Do Rugby Balls Or Footballs Hit Harder? 

No one likes being hit. Especially not by a hard, round material flying towards you at full force. Unfortunately, for those who play sports like football or rugby, being hit by a ball is a very likely possibility. Now, if you have ever wondered which one is likely to hit harder, we have the answers for you. 

Footballs generally hit harder than rugby balls. The injuries that are left by a football are also likely to last longer. This is because footballs are bigger in size, weigh more, and are often kicked with more force. The injury caused by either of the balls depends on the speed of the ball when it hits you and the strength of the person hitting the ball your way. But it is safe to say that both these balls do have the capacity to leave severe injuries and bruises.

Let us explore these factors in more detail. 

Why Do Footballs Hit Harder 

They Have A Sharper Shape

The shape matters greatly in terms of the damage each ball can cause. While the rugby ball is in the form of a spheroid and may appear to have more destructive potential, its spheroid shape gives them curved edges that hit less hard than the spherical surface of the football.

This is also because the football has a sharp end while the exterior of a rugby ball has flat ends that hit less hard.

They Weigh More

Footballs are generally bigger than rugby balls. Although the weight difference is not a lot, footballs typically weigh around 460g which is 20g more than the average weight of a rugby ball. 

They Have More Air Pressure

You guessed it right! The air pressure in footballs is generally slightly higher than the average air pressure in rugby balls. The air pressure adds typically to the hardness. While rugby balls have an air pressure ranging from 8-10 psi, the air pressure in footballs ranges from 8.5-15 psi with an average of 13. 

The Nature Of The Sport Plays A Role

Now, this is also important in the equation. While it is true that rugby seems like the more aggressive of the two sports, one must also keep in mind that a rugby ball is thrown while a football is kicked. 

Kicking is more forceful since most of our strength is in the lower body. Of course, other factors, such as the intensity of the kick/throw, matter. But if all other factors are kept constant, having a football kicked into your face is sure to hurt more 

What Other Factors Impact How Hard The Hit is? 

Of course, how hard either of the two balls hits you depends on other factors too. These factors include the intensity of the throw, your distance from the ball, and the strength of the person that has hit you. 

What hits harder cannot be decided without taking into account the context


It is hard to determine what would hit harder because many factors need to be considered before answering the question. But a football is heavier; it has more air pressure, making it harder, and its shape is sharper than a rugby ball. This makes a football hit harder than a rugby ball.

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