
Can You Play With A Football In The Rain?

Some footballers don't mind being wet, and the match can continue despite muddy and slippery surroundings. Excessive rainfall, however, can completely change the playing...

Do Footballers Get Fined For Yellow Cards?

The yellow card serves as a warning or caution. It allows players who receive them a second chance to stay on the field for...

Do Rugby Balls Or Footballs Hit Harder? 

No one likes being hit. Especially not by a hard, round material flying towards you at full force. Unfortunately, for those who play sports...

Can You Play Football In The Rain?

There must be something we're so passionate about that no storm can keep us from enjoying that activity. For many people, that activity may...

Why is the NFL Season So Short?

Games played in NFL compared to Baseball (163), NBA and NHL (82), EPL (38), MLS (34), are the least, with each team playing 17...

Is the NFL Staged, Scripted, or Faked?

Created over a century ago in 1920 with only 12 participating teams, NFL has developed to become the most-watched sport in the US with...

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