Why is Premiere Pro So Expensive?

Whether you are editing a family reunion video or making a blockbuster movie, there is no beating Premiere Pro. It enables you to create and edit with amazing levels of control and precision. However, there is a paywall behind all this seamlessness. 

It may seem fair to pay in order to use a professional-grade product until and unless you see its price tag. Premiere Pro is currently starting at around $20.99 USD a month. You can also choose to purchase a complete bundle for $52.99 USD a month. Keep in mind that the prices change according to the region. Therefore, yours might differ.

The reason why their price tags are so high is because Adobe is a software company that covers its expenses through licensing fees. Therefore, it makes sense to charge a continuous price since new features roll out almost regularly. 

Premiere Pro is also the most well-known video editing software and has been dominating the market against competitors like Filmora and LumaFusion.

Is Adobe Premiere Pro Worth the Subscription Fee?

It ultimately depends on your requirements. There are tons of free video editing software available. While they do not provide nearly as many features as Adobe Premiere Pro, they are still quite useful for casual editing. Therefore, it all boils down to the kind of work you are planning to do. Here is how it generally works:

Professional Use

If you are planning to use Adobe Premiere Pro in a professional capacity then the ultimate answer is yes. As a professional editor, you are likely going to use more than just Premiere Pro. Therefore, it is recommended to go for the entire Creative Cloud bundle. An impressive number of features are constantly added to the software making it the best possible option to go for. 

There are also different perks including professional access to the Behance network and much more. The entire Adobe ecosystem is interlinked well and can make your work much faster and easier.

Casual Use 

Once again, there is no beating the level of simplicity and scalability the Adobe Premiere Pro can provide. If you are a beginner that has always wanted to edit videos then it might be a good match for you. The reason for this is its extreme versatility. There are numerous helpful tutorials available to help you get started. 

However, if you are only looking to do simple tasks like cutting and trimming videos then you can choose free software as well. At the end of the day, it all depends on your budget. However, Premiere Pro works really well on multiple platforms and is a good way to get started with video editing. 

All in all, Premiere Pro is an excellent program that can provide you with a wide range of features and resources. It is a bit costly but the same is the case for every other professional-grade software. You get to learn about different tools like color correction, advanced transitions, and speech-to-text while using Adobe Premiere Pro. Therefore, if you are looking to edit videos on a regular basis then the price is well worth it.

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