Why Is Chess So Hard? Here Are 4 Reasons Why

Chess is a long-running game that has been going on since the 8th century. There have been many great minds that have played this wonderful game over the years. However, if you want to try your luck in it, you might be wondering why is chess so hard? Worry not because we’ve answered that question for you.

The main reason why chess is so hard is that there are almost countless patterns and strategies that you can use. Players have to be aware of all the pieces on the board and think many steps ahead of their opponent to win.

However, that’s not all. There are other reasons why chess can be difficult to pick up or master. If you are determined to learn it, then read the next section!

Countless Patterns

Each player starts off with a total of 16 pieces – one King, one Queen, two Rooks, two Bishops, two Knights, and eight Pawns. Remembering what each piece does can be a difficult task for new players but that’s not the problem. 

Even if you are aware of all the pieces, there are countless patterns that you can follow. Depending on who you’re playing against, every game will be different despite playing with the same pieces. Where does the Queen go? How can you effectively use the Rooks? When should you swap your King with the Rook? There are almost an infinite amount of patterns in chess.

Coming Up With a Strategy Can Be Difficult

Once you learn what each piece does, first off, well done. Now, you’ll want to think of a strategy that will help you overcome your opponent. However, only using one strategy can be your downfall. Will you be using the Scotch Open? Will you counter their opening with the Sicilian Defense? 

As you can see there are so many strategies that it is impossible to learn them all – let alone apply them in the game. Since your opponent is also trying to think steps ahead of you, you will continuously change your strategy to adapt to the situation. Just be careful that you don’t blunder.

Learning What Each Piece Does

While this isn’t something that experienced players suffer from, it can be quite tricky to learn what each piece does for a newer player. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. However, there are tons of tutorials available online that you can follow to learn about each piece.

Consistent Practice is Required 

Chess is a game where you have to regularly practice if you want to learn. Even years after learning the game, there are players who figure out new ways to play. Usually, it requires about 10 years of continuous playing to become a grandmaster of chess.

Watch this video to find out more about why chess is so hard:


There you have it, these are the top 4 reasons why chess is so hard to learn. If you are interested in the game, keep playing and continue learning new strategies and patterns to stay ahead of your opponents! The best tip we can give is that you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the game regardless of who you are playing against.

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