How Long Did the Empire Last in Star Wars?

The development of the Empire across the chronology is one of the things that makes Star Wars so different. The events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith changed the galaxy’s course. Most planets were made to live in fear once the Empire was founded. But how long did the fear of the Empire last?

In Star Wars, the Galactic Empire exercised its power for about 23 years. After the collapse of the Galactic Republic, Emperor Palpatine founded it. Nevertheless, the rebel alliance finally overcame it at the battle of Endor. The original Star War film trilogy depicts the events leading up to and during the Empire’s rise and defeat.

This article will delve into the Empire in further detail.

Galactic Empire: The Rise And Fall

Because of the original trilogy of Star Wars movies that took place during this time, the Galactic Empire is one of the most well-known empires in the canon. It only survived Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, a dispute having a significant impact on the history of the Star Wars galaxy.

It’s possible that following the Emperor’s passing, many factions still belonged to the Empire. The New Republic now ruled the entire galaxy, so you wouldn’t call it the Galactic Empire anymore. Palpatine’s passing, therefore, signified the fall of the Empire. However, going through an overview of the entire story should be fun.

The Separation of the Trade Federation

Around 1000 BBY, when the Galactic Republic was still in power, the Galactic Empire rose to power with the help of the Jedi, who served as the galaxy’s peacekeepers. This means that the fall of the Jedi was essential to ensuring the fall of the Republic.

The events of 32 BBY, which took place during Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace, were being worked on by Palpatine, who was then still Senate’s decision to ax nabs heavily utilized Free Trade Zones, Palpatine as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious worked with the tRADE federation t create a blockade n the planet. It escalated the trade conflicts.

As a result, the then-chancellor Valorum sent Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to the trade federation to act as ambassadors and discuss peace talks. Queen Amidala of the Naboo was compelled to take matters into her own hands by visiting the Senate in Coruscant because the negotiations never took place.

Amidala and the Jedi returned to Naboo to rescue the planet from the Trade Federation because the Senate could not immediately decide the issue since they needed time to consider; this happened when she offered a vote of no confidence to Valorum’s leadership, forcing him to resign from his position as the Galactic Republic’s Supreme Chancellor.

Senator Palpatine was chosen as the supreme chancellor, which meant that he presided over the entire Senate when Amidala and the Jedi freed Naboo with the aid of a young Anakin skywalker at the cost of countless deaths, including that of Qui-Gon.

Watch this video to see how the Galactic Empire was found:

Founding the Galactic Empire

The Beginning of the Clone Wars

During the events of Episode II: Attack of the Clones, which took place ten years later, the Trade Federation had successfully forged partnerships with other systems that had broken away from the Republic. As a result, the Separatists prepared by building a clone army, which marked the start of their fight against the Republic.

Palpatine played both sides secretly through his new pupil, Darth Tyranus or Count Dooku. The Separatists were led by Dooku. He was also using his influence to persuade the Senate to grant him emergency powers to build a large army for the Republic without waiting for the other Senators to deliberate.

Years before the events of Episode II, a Jedi master named Sifo-Dyas covertly ordered the construction of a clone army because he thought the Republic required an army to combat the Separatists’ mounting danger.

By the time the first battle of Geonosis started, the Republic already had its force to combat the Separatists, so Dooku had betrayed Dyas and taken over his project. However, Palpatine covertly ordered the implant of inhibitor chips inside the clones so they would obey his edict known as Order 66.

Fall of the Jedi and Reformation of the Republic

The conflict between the Republic and the Separatists raged on throughout the Clone Wars and until the events of episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The Separatists were made weaker by the death of Dooku at the hands of Anakin Skywalker since the Republic just needed to kill Grievous, the droid general, to end the conflict.

Jedi Master Mace Windu and several other Jedi Masters went over to Palpatine after Obi-Wan Kenobi beat Grievous, and Anakin had suspicions that he was the Sith Lord they were seeking to personally see to his arrest and to ensure that he gave up his emergency powers. 

The other Jedi Masters were all slaughtered in the ensuing conflict. When Anakin intervened and betrayed the Jedi because he needed Palpatine alive to keep Padme Amidala alive, Windu had gained the upper hand on the Sith Lord and was ready to deliver the killing blow. 

It allowed Palpatine to force lightning against the Jedi Master, who was thought to have died on the spot after falling from the window. Palpatine instituted order 66 because the clones obeyed it without question. 

Palpatine had ordered the Jedi to be slaughtered due to their alleged treason, and they began slaughtering them. While everything was going on, Anakin killed every Jedi in the Coruscant Jedi Temple before heading to the Mustafar system to see his new master, Palpatine.

As a preventative step against anyone who would dare to challenge galactic peace, Palpatine, over on Coruscant, utilized his emergency powers to transform the Republic into the first Galactic Empire. 


After the Galactic Republic was overthrown, Emperor Palpatine established the Galactic Empire, which in the Star Wars universe lasted for about 23 years. The Rebel Alliance defeated the Empire during the Battle of Endor, ending its tyranny.

The Star Wars films, especially the original trilogy, show the events that led to the rise and destruction of the Empire. The Republic was acquired after the Empire fell, and Palpatine used his emergency powers to turn into the first Galactic Empire. It signaled a crucial turning point in the Star Wars galaxy’s history and laid the groundwork for the subsequent events.

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