Why Did Obi-Wan Let Vader Kill Him?

Picture this: you’re watching Star Wars: A New Hope, fully immersed in the action sequence taking place – however, before you realize it, Obi-Wan is falling to his death. Heartbreaking, right? A hero’s death is often tragic and usually leaves fans with many questions. In this instance it was: Why did Obi-Wan let Vader kill him?

Though there are many theories out there, the main reason Obi-Wan died at the hands of Darth Vader was so he could become one with the Force and use his strengthened power to help Luke in the future.

Curious to know more about your favorite Star Wars character’s death? Well, read on to find out!

Becoming A Force Ghost

Before his death, Obi-Wan utters the following words to Vader: “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” This hints at him becoming a strong Jedi after his death. How? At that point, Obi-Wan has mastered the Force so well that as soon as Vader strikes, he uses his newfound skills to become one with the Force. This essentially leads to him becoming a Force ghost. 

Sounds pretty cool, if you ask us.

Technique Behind His Disappearance?

Now, there certainly wasn’t any magician whispering “Abracadabra” to have Obi-Wan’s body disappear into thin air. So how did he do it? By fusing the Living and Cosmic Force. In doing so, Obi-Wan was able to transcend mortal life and transform into a Force spirit.

Want to watch the famous death scene? Check out the video below!

Escape For The Crew

While the rest of the crew tries to get to the Millennium Falcon, Luke halts as he sees Obi-Wan battling Darth Vader. Could it be that Obi-Wan sacrificed himself to get Luke going in action? Or maybe even to keep Vader’s attention diverted to make their escape easier.

Regardless of his reason, Ben’s death remains heroic. 

Balance To The Force 

For there to be balance in the Force, there would need to be an equal division of power between the dark and light sides. Some fans theorized that Obi-Wan sought this balance with his death, which could lead to either of two things: Luke becoming a powerful Jedi or the fall of another Sith Lord.

His Legacy Carries On

Obi-Wan introduced himself as Ben Kenobi to all those he met. As such, when Leia and Han had their son, they decided to name him Ben Solo to honor him. Unfortunately, no one expected Ben to carry the Jedi legacy into the dark side.

Though, we suppose he can’t be blamed. Legacies (such powerful ones too) are, after all, a heavy burden to bear.


Whether it was to become a Force Ghost, serve as a distraction, or bring balance, Obi-Wan’s death played a vital role in pushing the story forward. Luckily, fans would continue to see his character appear on screen as a ghost. 

Hero deaths are never easy to handle, but we hope reading this article soothed some of your heartache. 

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