Why Did Luke Skywalker Go into Hiding?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…Luke Skywalker went into exile – and thus split the Star Wars fandom in half. While fans loved the storytelling in The Last Jedi, some couldn’t get over the direction Luke’s character took. Many fans wondered and speculated: Why did Luke Skywalker go into hiding?

Ben Solo had turned to the dark side and become Kylo Ren – not soon after, his tyranny had begun. This betrayal is what had ultimately sent Luke, who felt guilty, into hiding. 

Curious to know more about your favorite hero’s exile? Well, read on to find out!

Ben Solo’s Betrayal

Picture this: your apprentice (and nephew) of many years suddenly turns to the dark side, throws your Jedi temple up in flames, slaughters your pupils while you remain unable to stop his terror. This was, unfortunately, Luke Skywalker’s sad reality. A situation like this would make anyone feel guilty – so can we really blame Luke for going into hiding?

Feeling of Failure

Luke, reasonably so, felt that he had failed his nephew. It was as if all his training were for naught because, at the end of the day, he was unsuccessful in preventing Ben Solo from becoming the next Darth Vader.

While the smart decision may have been to go after your rogue apprentice and stop him, Luke ended up taking a different route. He instead went in search of the first Jedi Temple, located on Anch-to, where he’d then spend his following six years.

Following His Predecessor’s Steps?

Luke’s old masters, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, had gone into exile as well. The difference? Their reasons. While the former two had done so out of necessity, Luke’s exile was driven by feelings of guilt and failure. 

Perhaps going into exile is all just a Jedi Master thing. 

Noble or Coward?

Essentially, Luke had left the galaxy to their own devices in the face of Kylo Ren and the frightful First Order. Not only this, but he’d gone without telling anyone of his whereabouts. Could it be he was running away from the mess he’d created while leading himself on to believe he was actually looking for the solution?

However, his decision to leave may have held a noble intention. At that point in time, with the axis of his world tilted, we can safely assume his mental state may not have been the best – this would’ve made him dangerous to those around him. Honestly speaking, don’t we all want to protect our loved ones?

Watch this video to find out more:


Regardless of his reasons, perhaps going into exile made the most sense for Luke at that time. While six years is a long time to be in hiding, it’s also plenty to get your bearings in order, refocus, and figure out your next steps. (Sigh. If only we had that much time to reevaluate our life choices.) Feeling intrigued by all this information? Well, today’s a good day as any to begin your Star Wars marathon. May the Force be with you!

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