Why are Bikes Not Allowed in Skate Parks?

While some influential industry organizations like Bikes Belong promote biking for its benefits, some skatepark owners are still hesitant to allow bikers to access their premises. But why?

According to a survey, the park’s design is the main reason for preventing the bikers from accessing the skatepark. The skateparks were not created for bikers because bikers were never part of planning, operational, and construction processes. 

Furthermore, out of 77% public, 18% private, and 5% public-private partnership skateparks, 46% of them do not allow access to bikers. Keep reading to find out the concerns of the skatepark owners in detail. 

Mixing bikers with other skaters can be dangerous

Since the skateparks were initially meant for skaters only, the park’s design does not allow the two activities simultaneously. 

Even if some skateparks have started allowing bikers, they tend to avoid clashes by keeping separate schedules for both bikers and skaters. However, 67% of skateparks allow bikers and skaters simultaneously access. 

This calls for security concerns and increased supervision costs. Alternatively, some parks restrict bikers to a specific part of the park, which could be considered a middle ground to deal with the clashing situation.

Needs full-time supervision

Allowing bikers into the park would mean that park managers must establish full-time supervisors. Even then, it is not always possible to keep an eye on every biker at all times. 

Issues with Insurance

Some insurance companies covering the skateparks prevent the bikers from entering the premises to avoid mishappenings. In this case, it is the insurance companies that need awareness. 

Skatepark is too small

Small spaces could be a legitimate reason park owners do not allow bikers in their parks. Skateparks that are too small can’t afford to give access to bikers. Instead, it will make the park crowded and render it prone to accidents. 

Damage to tracks

Bikers are heavier than skate and tend to scratch and damage the tracks. Skaters find it hard to skate on a damaged track, which puts much burden on the skatepark owners for maintenance.

Infrastructure not entirely optimal for biking

Only 44% of skateparks are designer to withstand the use of bikes. Only 18% of skateparks come with protective materials in place in case of an accident. Moreover, 9% of skateparks have created a separate section for bikers and skaters. 

Skatepark managers need to redraw a better design that involves the bikers’ community to address this issue. It can be best implemented when a new park is making or restructuring the existing parks. 

Skatepark managers need to find a way to allow unrestricted access to bikers. It creates mutual respect for two communities trying to coexist using the same facilities. 

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