Is Google ever Wrong? The Facts Explained

Google is a search engine that serves billions of searches daily and thousands of searches per second. It is unparalleled. Google does not offer the information; rather, it connects your search keywords to relevant material provided by others, ranking the search results based on popularity.

Google isn’t always correct. As difficult as it may be to believe, the results Google returns from your search can be a perception or vision of a specific content generator. As a result, the answers you get through Google don’t always have to come from professionals or reliable sources.

Given that anyone can publish anything on the internet, regardless of experience or qualifications, it stands to reason that much of what you read is wrong or inaccurate. Keep on reading to find out other interesting facts surrounding Google.

Interesting Facts About Google And If It Gets Answers Wrong

The following are some interesting findings on how Google operates, whether it gets answers wrong, and what it gets certain answers wrong. Continue reading to find out more interesting facts about Google. 

Google Most Frequently Gets It Right

In terms of quality, it’s always a balancing act. Google’s search engine answered 74.3% of 5,000 inquiries, with a 97.4% accuracy rate. Both percentages are higher than services provided by Inc, Apple Inc, and Google Inc.

99.99 Percent Of Google’s Results Are Correct

Google rates all websites, whether they are small or large, commercial or educational. You cannot rely on the information on every website. No, not all the time. However, it is 99.999% right.

To learn more about Google’s featured search results and the snippets and how even Google sometimes has wrong answers, such as “Dinosaurs are a myth,” watch the following video.

Google Has All The Answers

When we use Google to do a search, we obtain a lot of results that are connected to our question. However, it is dependent on a variety of factors. Google gets the answer to most of your queries right. 

This way, you have every inquiry in front of you in seconds. Aside from that, it employs some Google internal CPUs. 

Google Records Your History To Showcase Answers 

What information does Google have about me? Actually, quite a bit. Google records your search and browsing history and the websites you visit. 

If that isn’t enough to scare you, Google also retains brief audio recordings of your speech, as well as your YouTube browsing history and any personalized adverts.

Is Google Completely Accurate?

Google Analytics cannot monitor 100% of traffic since some users choose not to be tracked or block cookies. However, when properly configured, GA captures over 95% of actual visitors (as opposed to web scrapers and bots).

Can You See Who Is Searching For You On Google?

Unfortunately, there is no option on Google that alerts you when someone searches for you by name. 

Historically, websites like Ziggs claimed to be able to show you who has been googling you, but companies like these are soon to become obsolete.

Why Is Google So Stupid?

Google isn’t stupid at all. It’s just based on information added and created by users, who aren’t always the most reliable of sources. 

This is why fact checkers are added online to verify information in addition to other users taking up the mantle of responsibility and clearing up fake news and information. 

Can Google Drive Be Relied On?

Yes, you can rely on Google Drive to save your personal information. Google Drive is secured with an SSL Certificate, which protects your data between the browser and the server and ensures that no one can access it.

Three Things You Need To Know About Google

The following are some interesting historical facts and figures about Google and how it evolved to be here today. Continue reading to learn about facts surrounded by content generated by Google.

Google’s History

In 1997, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford students, worked around the clock to create Google as a search engine. They looked at and researched Google as a way to search for information on the internet.

Google has been valued at $400 billion since its inception. It has progressed well beyond the scope of a conventional search engine. 

You may now send and receive mail, watch movies, navigate, read the news, and translate languages using Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms, which can be used instead of Microsoft Office.

With Google Docs, you may create online material that will not be lost due to computer failure or human error. 

Google, with billions of users, manages billions of searches every day, making it the most popular search engine on the internet today.

It is entirely your obligation to inquire about the legitimacy of these advertisements. There are sites with a history of internet trolls and fake news, such as 4chan. This demonstrates that Google returns results related to our search which are not always correct.

Google’s Early Headquarters Were In A Garage

It might surprise you, but Page and Brin, like Apple and Amazon, utilized part of their investors’ funds to open Google’s original headquarters: a garage-turned-office space in Menlo Park, California. 

Susan Wojcicki, who eventually became a Google senior VP and is now the CEO of YouTube, owned the area as part of her home. Brin later married Wojcicki’s sister Anne, who founded 23andMe.

The Reality Of Google Searches

According to one of Google’s executives, every piece of information on the site is false. As a result, you cannot claim that the answers provided by Google are correct.

Even if Google is usually correct, there are occasional faults in the results offered by Google that professionals can only detect. Unfortunately, the non-professional audience readily accepts all of Google’s information.

Because of its use, the word “Google” has been added to our vocabulary as a noun or a verb, but the people who use it are unaware of Google’s limitations. You cannot cite Google as a source because it does not create web content; we mostly use it to connect us to other sources.

Google makes money in the advertising sector by selling advertising space on websites and placing advertisements on search results pages. Furthermore, Google is in charge of advertising on both non-Google and Google-owned websites.


Google is far from perfect and makes mistakes more frequently than you may think. As difficult as it may be to believe, the results Google returns from your search can be a perception or vision of a specific content generator.

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