Home Entertainment Is Breaking Bad an Overrated TV Show?

Is Breaking Bad an Overrated TV Show?

Is Breaking Bad an Overrated TV Show?

Over the course of 5 years, writer Vincent Gilligan and his team have constructed a world taking heed to every nook and cranny, with attention to detail worthy of a Fabergé egg. With a cast stellar enough to sustain an entire series of roller coaster thrills, Breaking Bad has been a prime example of how to make an entire generation of adults clench their teeth. 

To many people, it is considered one of the best shows of all time, but there are some that don’t really enjoy it. You could say that it is up to the specific person’s opinion on if the show is overrated or not.

Despite its inevitable flaw of being too predictable, Breaking Bad’s reviews have been somewhat over-exaggerated. It is often considered cultural treason to say Breaking Bad is not as perfect of a show as people depict it to be. However, that does not make it a bad show to watch. 

The intense care, and planning by the producers, a realistic plot, a perfect example of a “morality play” and, the oscar worthy acting of the main cast, are the reasons Breaking Bad has seen widespread success.   

The Character of Walter White

Bryan Cranston has done a superb job in his portrayal of Walter White who, as a chemistry teacher dives headfirst into an unknown world of comedy and thrill. The character of Walter White is challenging to say the least, however, Cranston has very admirably risen to the challenge and has truly gone beyond.

He has not only managed to capture the hearts of the audience but has also presented one of the most chilling performances in TV history.

Being a bona fide chemistry genius, Walter White’s character does a great job of holding the plot elements together. These well fleshed-out characters are one of the cornerstone reasons why Breaking Bad deserves the praise that it gets.

Direction at its Finest

The writing of Breaking Bad is eloquent enough to the point where it sets a clear standard for others to follow. The dialogue throughout is thought-provoking and intense.

There is also a dark sense of humor hidden within Breaking Bad’s lead character: Walter White. The entire series depicts a sense of realism with its rich, tense, and layered story.

Breaking Bad has a stylish and beautiful world with a cinematic quality that can put most movies to shame. The soundtrack has always been perfect to the mood, never too intrusive and never too muted but does what it’s supposed to do.

The world of Breaking Bad is immersive enough to make you sit through the entire story in one go.

Not Every Show is Perfect

One of the main downsides of Breaking Bad is that it suffers heavily from predictability. Walter White’s fate was plainly visible from the get-go and the same can be said about Jesse Pinkman.

The two main characters being this predictable can be rough especially when the buildups are so carefully created that they fill the viewer with suspense.

However, the show builds on a concept of “how it happens” instead of the “what happens” which adds a nice overall layer to the series.

For first-timers, ‘Breaking Bad’ can be a thought-provoking, essential and indispensable watching experience. It is quite unlikely that you are going to watch it the second time because of its low repeated watching value; however, you will still find it highly entertaining regardless.