What Makes The Dark Knight So Good?

Why so serious? There are only a few of us who won’t recognize this line -but for those of us who do, we know that The Dark Knight will always be a masterpiece.

Whether a Marvel fan, a DC diehard, or someone who does not like superhero movies, everyone can unanimously agree that The Dark Knight truly deserves its 9/10 IMDB rating. So, the question arises, what makes The Dark Knight so good? 

A combination of Oscar-worthy performances by the whole cast, a plot true to reality, an imperfect hero, and a legendary portrayal of the Joker by Heath Ledger makes The Dark Knight so good.

Trust us, you are depriving yourself of a cinematic masterpiece if you haven’t seen this movie yet. Here is what makes the Dark Knight so good.

The Joker – Heath Ledger’s Best Performance

Heath Ledger truly outdid himself in portraying The Joker in The Dark Knight. The Joker has always been one of the most famous (and might we say loved) villains from the Batman comics.

And the way Ledger portrayed the sadistic villain in a modern world scenario made the film a worthwhile rewatch; keeping the audience glued to their seats and their eyes on the screen. 

Bale’s Batman: An Imperfect Hero

Christian Bale’s portrayal of Batman in The Dark Knight stayed true to reality and was, therefore, more believable than traditional superhero portrayals. 

Bale’s Batman depicted human characteristics which makes it easier for the audience to connect with him. He loses control and attacks the Joker while interrogating him (like any human would do). He is unable to save Rachel and Harvey. He is shown to fail sometimes, making him more human and relatable for the audience. 

He isn’t shown to have any superhuman abilities and fights off his villains with a mixture of practical skills -that he gained while training at a monastery in Korea, and technological gadgets.

His knowledge of technology and his hard work and determination are his ultimate weapons. These relatable characteristics of the hero attract the audience to the movie.

A Superhero Movie Invoking The Essence Of Humanity

The Dark Knight does not deviate from real life and every plotline is pragmatic. 

The villain’s motives are logical, and his origin is perfectly captured and told through Nolan’s excellent direction. Harvey Dent’s rise to the ‘White Knight’ and subsequent fall to Harvey two-faced after Rachel’s death are all believable and realistic.

One can easily imagine how a broken man can turn evil and relate the movie to real life. 

Not to forget, the ending is not happy and labels Batman as the villain to the citizens of Gotham, further strengthening the film’s closeness to reality. 

Nolan beautifully brought a new era where a superhero felt more human, relatable, and real with his Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight manages to break free from the shackles of typical action and superhero movies and gives the audience a fresh and artistic cinematic experience. 

These are only a few of the many reasons The Dark Knight is a movie penned down in history as legendary. If you have any doubts, we urge you to grab some popcorn and watch it yourself. Beware, you might not be able to contain your squeals of excitement.

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