Is Archery Becoming More Popular? 4 Ways

Archery has been around for hundreds of years. The traditional bow was one of the first weapons ever designed for hunting and even for war. Even after all this time, it seems as if this one tradition has lived on.

Archery has been increasing in popularity, with over eighteen million archers all over the country. The number of women and young adults participating in the sport has also steadily increased over the years. Several factors contribute to this, including; a rise in the number of archery studios and training programs, an increased number of 3D shoots available for people, an increase in bow season. 

We can also take into consideration, the impact pop culture and videogames have had on popularising the use of bows and also generally the rise of female participation in sports. 

Keep reading this article to understand how archery has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Why Is Archery Becoming So Popular?

In recent years, there has been a spike in the number of people who have adopted archery as a part of their craft. 

Pop Culture Has Increased The Popularity Of The Sport 

From characters like Robin hood to Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games and even to Tv show characters like the ‘Arrow,’ the bow and arrow is a trademark. So many popular shows and movies have lead characters using archery. Even popular videogames such as Skyrim have features that involve the use of bows and arrows. 

Research shows that viewers often imitate the traits of their favorite characters on screen. This has played a role in influencing more and more young people to adopt archery as a sport. 

Here are some of the popular archers in pop culture today

Covid Helped Spike Archery’s Popularity

In 2019, when the pandemic hit, people sought ways to stay active but socially distant and responsible. Many people turned to archery as an escape and a way to kill their free time. It is a sport that can be practiced at home or alone in an archery training studio.

 You don’t need to be near someone to shoot an arrow, making it ideal for times like the pandemic. There has been a 40% spike in archery from post-pandemic to now. 

There Has Been Technical Advancement In Equipment

In recent years, more stadiums have developed. There has been a rise in different types of bows and arrows as well, with easy-to-use bows such as the crossbow rising in popularity. An increase in hunting season and the manufacturing of weapons suited for people of different weights and sizes have all contributed to the rise of the sport’s popularity.

More Women In Sports

In recent years more and more women have started playing sports. 40% of all archers in the US are females. The increased participation of women in sports has also increased the popularity of this particular sport.  

In Conclusion 

Archery has been around for thousands of years and seems like it’s not going away anytime soon. The sport brings about a world of benefits and is a fun and cathartic way to pass the time and learn a new skill. That, coupled with the portrayal of archery in pop culture, is bound to make it popular. 

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