How To Paint In Illustrator (Two Ways)

After creating a route with the pencil tool or another drawing tool, you may use Live Paint or the Live Paint Bucket tool to turn the pathways into a Live Paint Group so that you can paint on them. But what’s the step-by-step process?

Here’s how to make Live Paint: Select the pathways or objects. Go to Object > Live Paint > Make. Use the Live Paint Bucket Tool. If you can’t get an object to transform to a Live Paint Group following the procedures above, go to Type > Create Outlines. Then, convert the pathways into a Live Paint Group.

If you’re working with bitmap pictures, select Object>Live Trace>Make and Convert to Live Paint. You may expand other objects by going to Object>Expand. The routes are now part of a Live Paint group. Options for the Live Paint Bucket Tool To configure the Live Paint Bucket, double-click it.

To learn more ways of doing this, keep reading! 

The Stroke Method

A stroke might be an object’s visible outline, a route, or the boundary of a Live Paint group. A stroke’s width and colour can be adjusted. You may also use path settings to make dashed strokes and brushes to paint styled strokes.

Apply A Stroke Of Colour

Pick the thing. (Use the Live Paint Selection tool to choose an edge in a Live Paint group.) In the Tools panel, the Properties panel, the Colour panel, or the Control Panel, check the Stroke box.

This indicates that you wish to use a stroke instead of a fill. Choose a colour from the Colour panel or a swatch from the Swatches, Properties, or Control panels. Alternatively, you may use the Colour Picker to choose a colour by double-clicking the Stroke box.

Convert Strokes To Compound Paths

When you convert a stroke to a compound path, you can change the stroke’s contour. You can, for example, make a stroke with varying widths or divide the stroke into fragments. 

Pick the thing. Select Object > Path > Outline Stroke from the menu. The filled item is grouped with the resultant compound route. To change the compound path, ungroup it from the fill or pick it using the Group Selection tool first.

The Fill Method 

A fill is a colour, pattern, or gradient that is applied to an object. Fills may be applied to open and closed objects, as well as Live Paint group faces. Select a colour by clicking the Swatches panel or Shift-clicking to open an additional colour mode panel.

You may utilize Live Paint groups to apply different colours to different looks inside an object, or you can use one colour, pattern, or gradient to the whole item. Use the selection tool or the direct selection tool to choose the item. To apply a fill rather than a stroke, check the Fill box in the Tools panel, the Properties panel, or the Colour panel.

Choose a fill colour via one of the following methods: In the control panel, Colour panel, swatch panel, gradient panel, or swatch library, select a colour. Select a colour from the Colour Picker by double-clicking the Fill box.

To apply the current properties, including the current fill and stroke, choose the Eyedropper tool and Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click an object. To delete the object’s current fill, click the None button.

Draw And Merge Paths Using The Blob Brush Tool

Full objects may be painted using the Blob Brush tool, which may intersect and blend with other shapes of the same hue. The Blob Brush tool provides the same brush choices as calligraphic brushes by default.

Keep the following rules in mind when using the Blob Brush tool: Paths must be nearby in stacking order in order to combine. The Blob Brush tool is used to draw trails with a full but no stroke. If you want your Blob Brush pathways to blend with existing artwork, make sure the fill colour is the same and there is no stroke.

When using the Blob Brush tool to draw routes, new paths blend with the topmost matched path detected. If the new path intersects with more than one matching path inside the same group or layer, all overlapping pathways are merged.

To apply paint attributes to the Blob Brush tool (such as effects or transparency), pick the brush and adjust the attributes in the Appearances’ panel before you begin sketching.

To blend paths made by other tools, use the Blob Brush tool. Make certain that the existing artwork does not have a stroke. Then, with the Blob Brush tool set to the same fill colour, make a new path that intersects all the paths you wish to combine.

Select Objects With The Same Fill And Stroke

Select one of the items, click the Select Similar Objects button in the control panel, and then select what you want to base your selection on from the options that display. To select all objects that have the same fill or stroke colour. 

Then choose an object that has that fill or stroke colour, or select the colour from the Colour panel or Swatches panel. Next, in the Select > Same menu, select Fill Colour, Stroke Colour, or Fill & Stroke.

Select one item with that stroke weight, or choose the stroke weight from the Stroke panel to select all objects with the same stroke weight. Then, select Same > Stroke Weight.

To use the same selection choices on a different item (for example, if you previously chose all red objects using the Choose > Same > Fill Colour command and now wish to search for all green objects), click on a new object and then choose Select > Reselect.


After drawing an object, you may apply a fill, stroke, or both to it. You may then create and paint other things, stacking each new one on top of the previous ones. 

The outcome is something akin to a collage constructed of colourful paper shapes, with the appearance of the artwork changing according to which objects are on top of the layered stack.

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