How Often Should You Change Your Oil? 5 Reasons 

Owning a vehicle is more than just about owning it. To make the vehicle last, it needs proper care and maintenance, and while most people overlook this, if you are amongst those who want to take proper care of your vehicle, this article is for you. 

If you want to ensure that your car keeps running smoothly, the oil must be changed every five thousand miles. Some cars can go up to seven-ten thousand miles without an oil change but the sooner, the better. The general rule of thumb is to change the car’s oil every three months. If you prolong an oil change for too long, the engine will stop running smoothly, and ultimately your car can be totaled. 

If you want to understand the proper way of changing your car oil and the consequences of not doing so on time, keep reading. 

What Does It Mean To Change Your Vehicle’s Oil?

The oil changing process involves removing the old oil from the car’s engine and replacing it with fresh and new oil. Old Oil is less effective and less smooth and eventually needs to be replaced by newer oil so that the engine can keep running correctly. 

Why Do Vehicles Need Oil? 

It allows the engine to work correctly and keeps the vehicle running. Oil is basically a lubricant for the engine. Since the car parts work by rubbing against one another, this creates friction, and internal heat is produced. The oil absorbs this internal heat and prevents the car’s interior from overheating. 

To learn more on this, watch this.

Why Do Vehicles Need Oil Changes? 

The way car parts work is by rubbing against one another. During this process, a lot of heat is generated due to friction. The friction eventually causes the oil to break down and wear out. This reduces the oil’s utility as a lubricant, and it needs to be replaced so that it can keep serving its functioning correctly. 

What Are The Harms Of Not Changing The Oil On Time?

Not changing your engine oil can result in several problems. 

  1. The components of your car can wear out because of the heat generated during friction when the car parts rub together. 
  1. Your engine can overheat because the engine oil act not only as a lubricant but also as a coolant and absorbs the excessive heat.
  1. There can be a sludge build-up in the engine. This happens when oil is not replaced, and it eventually breaks down and solidifies. The sludge build-up can reduce the lifespan of the engine.
  1. If the oil turns into sludge, the engine has to work twice as hard to be able to function and this results in increased fuel consumption. Fuel consumption can increase by 2% if the oil remains unchained.
  1. The car can be totalled if the fuel is not replaced for too long. If the engine breaks down that can harm other parts of the car as well and you may need to get the whole car repaired. This is bound to be costly as well.

How Can You Tell When It Is Time To Change Your Vehicle’s Oil?

The easiest way to know when your car may need an oil change is to keep track of the mileage and ensure that the vehicle’s oil is changed when the car has travelled 5000 miles. If you are not able to do that, then just set a reminder that the oil needs to be changed every three months.

There are other options as well. Some vehicles notify when the oil needs changing. This is a technological advancement that has only been made recently. Another way of finding out is by looking at the dipstick; when it darkens, an oil change is needed. 

How Much Does An Oil Change Cost?

Depending on the oil you use and the vehicle you are driving, an average oil change can cost from thirty-five to seventy-five dollars. But if you are using synthetic oil, the price can go up to one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Even though synthetic oils are more expensive, they are better in the long run since they are more efficient and they last longer.

How Long Does It To Change The Oil?

It can take anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours. The duration of the process depends on two main factors; who is changing the oil and the vehicle that needs the oil changing. 

Who Is Changing The Oil Impacts The Time Duration

If you choose to change the oil by yourself, it may not take as long as it might take at a mechanics shop because there is less of a waiting time period. But if you are unskilled or just slow in your work, that will add to the time spent in the process. A mechanic is generally quicker but has other vehicles lined up before yours.

Some Vehicles Need More Time For An Oil Change

This is because some vehicles have oil drain and switch plugs at the bottom of the vehicle, and these are easier to access, but this may not be true for all vehicles. If the drain plug and oil filter are less accessible, you may need a mechanic’s help, or it may take you longer to access them. 

Can You Efficiently Change Your Vehicle’s Oil At Home?

If you follow the procedure and make sure that the oil is being refilled properly, there is no reason why you cannot manage an efficient oil change at home. There are a few simple steps to the process. 

  • Open the car oil drain plug.
  • Drain the dirty oil 
  • Remove the old oil filter and replace it with a new oil filter
  • Refill new oil and check the oil level

The Conclusion

There is a reason why it is crucial to change your car oil every few months; if you neglect the maintenance of your vehicle, you will have to suffer the consequences. Changing car oil is not a hard or time-consuming process. It does cost a fair amount, but that investment can save you from greater loss. 

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