Are the Stars We See In Our Galaxy?

A spectacular show of stars reaching from horizon to horizon might be expected when seeing the night sky from a dark place. You may have pondered if all the stars visible from Earth are part of our galaxy or if we are watching stars in a nearby galaxy.

All the stars in the night sky are included within our Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it looks like a milky band of light in the sky when viewed in a very dark place.

There are billions of galaxies in the universe. They are the galaxies’ building blocks. It is hard to determine the total number of stars, but scientists estimate that there are approximately 300 billion stars in our galaxy alone. Continue reading to learn more about stars.

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Why Can’t We See All The Stars In Our Galaxy?

Many of the Milky Way’s stars are difficult to see. Because the core of the galaxy contains a bulge of stars, gas, and dust, in addition to a supermassive black hole. This area is so densely populated that even the most powerful telescopes are unable to see through it.

Why Can’t We Take A Picture Of The Milky Way Galaxy From The Outside?

Our Sun and solar system require 250 million years to completely circle the centre of the Milky Way. We can only photograph the Milky Way from within the galaxy, so we do not have an image of the Milky Way in its entirety.

Cool Facts About Stars 

A Star Is Born

A star’s lifespan spans billions of years or more. In general, the greater the mass of a star, the shorter its lifespan. Inside hydrogen-based dust clouds known as nebulae, birth occurs. 

Gravity forces pockets of dense matter within the nebula to collapse under their own weight over thousands of years. A contracting mass of gas, known as a protostar, reflects a star’s infancy. Due to the obscuring effect of nebula dust, protostars can be difficult for astronomers to see.

The conservation of angular momentum enables a protostar to spin faster as it shrinks; the same concept leads an ice skater to accelerate when she pulls in her arms while spinning. Increasing pressure causes rising temperatures, and a star enters the comparatively brief T Tauri phase during this time.

Millions of years later, when the core temperature reaches approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius), nuclear fusion begins, igniting the core and initiating the next and longest phase of a star’s life, the main sequence.

Sun included, the majority of stars in our galaxy are classified as main sequence stars. They are in a state of stable nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen to helium and emitting x-rays. This process emits a tremendous quantity of energy, which keeps the star hot and luminous.


Certain stars shine brighter than others. Their luminosity and distance from Earth determine the magnitude of their brightness. A star’s colour might also differ since its temperatures are not identical. Cooler stars appear orange or red, but hotter stars seem white or blue.

Astronomers can arrange stars by placing these and other factors on a graph known as the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. In addition to the main sequence and white dwarf stars, dwarfs, giants, and supergiants are other star types. The diameters of supergiants may be a thousand times that of our sun.

90% of a star’s life is spent in its main sequence phase. At approximately 4.6 billion years old, the sun is a yellow dwarf star of typical size, and astronomers anticipate it will remain in its main sequence phase for several more billion years.

As stars approach their demise, a significant portion of their hydrogen has been transformed into helium. Helium sinks to a star’s core, increasing its temperature and forcing its outer layer of hot gases to expand. These enormous, expanding stars are referred to as “red giants.” However, there are numerous routes for a star to reach its demise, and its fate depends on its mass.

The red giant phase is actually a precursor to a star losing its outer layers and transforming into a white dwarf. White dwarfs have billions of years to cool. Some, if they are part of a binary star system. 

May accumulate extra matter from their companion stars until their surfaces erupt, causing a brilliant nova. Eventually, all white dwarfs stop releasing energy and become dark. At this moment, which has yet to be observed by scientists, they are referred to as black dwarfs.

Big Bang

Massive stars reject this evolutionary course and instead explode as supernovae in their last moments. While they may appear to be expanding red giants on the surface.

 Their cores are actually compressing and will eventually get so dense that they will collapse and cause the star to explode. These catastrophic explosions leave behind a tiny core that may evolve into a neutron star or possibly a black hole if the remnant is large enough. 

Because certain supernovae follow a regular pattern of destruction and luminosity, astronomers are able to use them as “standard candles” or astronomical measuring tools to determine the universe’s distances and expansion rate.

Bigger And More Luminous Than The Sun.

Only a handful of the over 5,000 stars brighter than magnitude 6 are around the same size and brightness as the sun, while the rest are all larger and brighter. 

All of the about 500 stars that are inherently larger and brighter than the sun, including virtually every star visible to the unassisted eye from an urban location, are intrinsically larger and brighter than the sun, many of them by a significant margin. 

The least intrinsically bright of the 50 brightest stars visible to the human eye from Earth is Alpha Centauri, which is nonetheless more than 1.5 times more luminous than our sun and cannot be seen from the majority of the Northern Hemisphere.

Stars Don’t Twinkle

When stars are close to the horizon, they appear to sparkle (scintillate). Sirius twinkles, sparkles, and flashes so frequently that it is sometimes mistaken for an alien spacecraft. In reality, however, the twinkling is not a characteristic of the stars but rather of the unstable atmosphere of the Earth. 

As the light from a star travels through the atmosphere, especially when the star appears close to the horizon, it must pass through numerous layers whose densities frequently change fast.

 As with a pinball machine, this has the effect of gently diverting the light. The light finally reaches your eyes, but every deflection causes it to shift in hue and intensity. The consequence is “twinkling.” The stars do not twinkle above the Earth’s atmosphere.


Depending on cloud cover and your location, you may or may not see an abundance of stars in the sky above you. Stargazing is almost impossible in cities and other heavily inhabited places because of light pollution. 

In contrast, several regions of the world are so dark that gazing upward displays the night sky in all its celestial glory.

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