How Often Do Hotels Change Their Comforters?

If you want to travel around the world and have to stay in a hotel, you must think to yourself “How often do hotels change their comforter?” Well, you won’t have to wonder any longer because we’ve gone ahead and answered the question just for you.

The truth is that most hotels do not change their comforters after each guest. They usually change it after almost a month or so, or when something is spilled on it.

However, this does not mean that the comforters or the bed is dirty in a hotel room. The following section will look at how you can tell if the comforter is not cleaned and what you can do if it isn’t clean.

Why Isn’t a Comforter Washed Regularly?

Now, the next question would naturally be why doesn’t a comforter get washed regularly. The answer to this is quite simple, really. Since most hotels – even some large ones – have a small or medium sized laundry room, there isn’t enough space or time. If the employees get busy washing comforters daily, there won’t be enough space or time to wash other things.

Most – if not all – hotels prioritise washing bed sheets, pillow cases, and other stuff on a daily basis. Some hotels even ask the guests if they want their bedsheets to be changed daily or not. This is because washing and changing a bedsheet doesn’t take nearly as much time as it does to wash a comforter. So, the comforters get washed every month or so.

To know how to wash a comforter, watch this video:

How Can You Tell if a Comforter is Not Clean?

It can be tricky to tell if a comforter is dirty or not since housekeeping does a great job of making the bed. However, upon close inspection, you might be able to find some stains or dirt. Plus, if you notice a weird smell, then it means that the comforter hasn’t been changed for quite some time.

Since employees are told to make the bed look presentable, chances are that the comforter isn’t clean at all and is being reused after the previous guests. However, if it has been washed, you’ll notice a refreshing scent and it will visibly look clean.

Should You Get the Comforter Replaced?

You have the right as a guest to ask for the comforter to be replaced. If you find stains on it, you can call the housekeeping department and ask them to replace it. This can also be done if the comforter has a distinct smell that just won’t go away. 

If you cannot find any stains or smell, then there is no use because the employees are told not to change comforters if there is no proper reason. However, many hotel chains will simply bring you another one that is not clean but it might be better than having a completely dirty one.


There you have it; now you know most hotels wash the comforters once every month or so. This isn’t necessarily their fault since it can take a lot of time and effort to clean all the comforters. There is just so much to do and so little time, so they prioritize the important things. We know we might have ruined your image of hotels after this, sorry about that!

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