Do Restaurants Have To Give Free Water?

Have you ever been to a restaurant and they offered you free water? If you answered yes, then your next question would be “do restaurants have to give free water?” Is it mandatory for them? Well, we’ve gone ahead and answered this question just for you!

No, it is not obligatory for restaurants to give you free water. Most of them only do so as a complementary action to leave a good impression on you. They are not bound by any law to serve free water.

However, that’s not all. There are certain countries that are obligated by law to serve their customer with free water. The next section will take a look at which country has to serve you water and which doesn’t. 

Is it Illegal for Restaurants to Not Give Free Water?

As aforementioned, it is not illegal for restaurants to give you free water. Most of the places offer free tap water as it practically costs nothing and leaves a good impression on the customer. Some states have laws that bound restaurants to give you free water at your request. If you do not ask them, then they are not obligated to give you free water. 

Keep in mind that they can charge you for tap water in most other places because no law states that they must follow this practice.

Also watch this video to find out what types of water a restaurant can offer you:

European Law

In 2018, the EU Commission has made it mandatory for all restaurants to offer free water to their customers. This was done to reduce water consumption from plastic bottles in every home. They also believe that every European should have access to free and healthy water regardless of their living conditions. 

This also meant that a lot of water fountains were installed in various public places so that people would not be thirsty. Places like England and Wales are also affected by this law but not so strictly. While they do have to give you free water, you have to ask for it. Otherwise, they will not serve you free water. 

United States Law

Unlike European law, there is no legal saying in the USA that states restaurants must offer free water to customers. In fact, most fast-food chains and restaurants charge you for tap water if you ask them to bring it for you. 

Regardless, there are tons of places that will gladly bring you free water if you ask them. Oftentimes, they’ll bring a bottle and place it in front of you and that will be completely free, out of respect and to make you their loyal customer. 


As you can see, some countries have strict laws that bind restaurants to give you free water when you dine with them. Whereas, in other places, you can get free water only if you ask the waiter to bring it. However, most restaurants are not bound by law; instead, they offer you free water out of respect and as a complementary action.

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