Can We Go to Heaven with Tattoos?

Men, women, and adolescents acquire tattoos to express their identities, memories, and ideals. They enjoy the permanence of having the face of a loved one, the name of their hometown, or a meaningful quote, such as a song lyric, inked onto their skin. But can we go to heaven with tattoos?

Tattoos do not hinder people from entering paradise after death. Some Christians feel that tattoos are unholy. However, the Bible teaches that salvation is contingent on faith in Jesus Christ. Even those with tattoos can enter paradise if they believe that Christ died for their sins and rose again.

Does the Bible prohibit body art? Are there variations in religious teachings that prevent people from getting into heaven? What prevents individuals from entering paradise if not tattoos? Continue reading to discover the answers.

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Does The Bible Forbid Christians From Getting Tattoos?

The sole clear biblical reference to tattoos is Leviticus 19:28: “You shall not make any wounds on your body for the dead, nor shall you tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord” (ESV). The vast majority of biblical scholars concur that this injunction refers to widespread heathen mourning practices during the time of Moses.

Sayings Of Scholars

According to the majority of biblical experts, the reference is to pagan mourners who cut themselves to intensify their physical suffering and sorrow. It was customary practice in the ancient world to induce feelings of sorrow. God forbade the Israelites from adopting the heathen conception of death and imitating its immoral customs.

Some scholars believe that when individuals self-inflict wounds, they sacrifice their blood to pagan deities. Is not cutting the skin the most significant part of the instruction, or is it the blood that is drained from the gashes and how it may be used?

Other historians believe the Hebrew word translated as “tattoos” could refer to cutting or painting the skin. If this is the case, and if the passage is interpreted to prohibit modern tattooing, then it also prohibits piercings, cosmetics, and teeth whitening.

Are Tattoos Worldly?

Many Christians believe that having a tattoo in the twenty-first century is harmless as long as you are not participating in pagan mourning practices. However, many Christians believe that tattoos are bad and consider them to be worldly.

The Word “Worldly”

When Christians refer to something as worldly, they are referring to an unholy action, and the opposite of worldliness is holiness. Although tattoos are not inherently wicked, many consider them to be godless.

Tattoos are contemporary fads, and they have no significant role in the church. If you acquire tattoos, you are not committing a sin or committing a crime. Many Christians believe that having a tattoo in the twenty-first century is harmless as long as you are not participating in pagan mourning practices. However, many Christians believe that tattoos are bad and consider them to be worldly.

When Christians refer to something as worldly, they are referring to an unholy action, and the opposite of worldliness is holiness. Although tattoos are not inherently wicked, many consider them to be godless. Tattoos are contemporary fads, and they have no significant role in the church. If you acquire tattoos, you are not committing a sin or committing a crime.

Are Tattoos Sinful For Christians?

Christians believe that, according to Leviticus 19:28, God forbids people to obtain tattoos. The most important thing to understand is whether having a tattoo is a sin or a good thing for Christians. According to Corinthians 10:23, everything is lawful, but not everything is advantageous. Christianity may permit tattoos, but there is a contradicting view.

If The Body Is A Holy Temple, Will Getting Tattoos Violate It? 

Numerous Christians think that tattoos should be avoided because our bodies are holy temples. The Holy Spirit exists within the human body. Similar language appears in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. 

“Or do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have received from God? You are not your own because you were purchased for a price. So, praise God through your body.”

What Will Keep People From Going To Heaven If Not Tattoos? 

The Bible teaches that one must have confidence in God to enter heaven. Non-believers will not be permitted to enter heaven. People should not rebel against God in their thoughts, deeds, or speech. People with tattoos will still have the opportunity to enter heaven if they repent and demonstrate their faith in Christ.

Who Can’t Go To Heaven?


In John 14:6, Jesus said that he is the way to the truth, the one truth that is the path. There is no other way to reach God besides through me. John 3:5 Jesus responded, “Very truly I say to you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born of both the water and the Spirit.” Since God has no preference, there is no way to get to heaven through our actions.


According to Islam, those who consume alcohol, don’t attend mosques, have tattoos, eat pork, etc., do not deserve heaven.


In Hinduism, individuals rely on good deeds and karmas to achieve salvation. And there is no specific route that leads to paradise. Because different religions have different routes to paradise, I believe this to be God’s secret. Nevertheless, we focus on the proper matters.

Can Short People Go To Heaven?

In determining a person’s everlasting destination, height is irrelevant. The notion that they are incapable of doing so is based on a misreading of the Old Testament chapter that discusses dwarfism. The scripture related to persons of low stature does not specify who will enter paradise and who will not.


Christians believe our bodies house God’s Holy Spirit. Tattoos and piercings desecrate God’s temple. Others consider religious tattoos to be an expression of their love to God and an act of adoration toward Him. 

In either case, having tattoos will not hinder an individual from entering Heaven and accepting Jesus as your Saviour is the sole prerequisite for Heaven.

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