Can You Do Archery With Long Nails?

If you are a potential archer with long fingernails, it would not be too farfetched to wonder if your performance will be affected by long nails. You could try to ensure that your fingernails do not pluck the string of the bow and that your fingers should always be kept free when you release. However, it is extremely difficult for new archers to execute. 

Accidents can happen even to the best of us which is exactly why you can make use of archery kits to prevent potential nail damage. These kits can be release aids for compound bows and tabs or gloves for recurve and longbows. You can definitely do archery with long nails as long as you use the right kit.

Release Aids for Compound Bows

A compound bow is the ideal sort of bow to shoot if you want to employ a release assist as most release aids are designed for compound bows. There are index finger, thumb trigger, hinge release, and resistance releases.

The index finger release is linked to the archer’s wrist strap and subsequently to the string. You press the release button with your index finger. The wrist strap also aids in drawing the bow and keeps the release assistance on you at all times. In contrast, the thumb trigger release is activated with your thumb rather than your index finger. 

The hinge release is a trigger where the hinge is rotated mechanically until it lets go of the string. It is ideal for shooting stationary targets by target hunters. Similarly, when using a resistance release, you do not pull a trigger to activate the shot. The trigger barrel is held down while drawing the bow and the safety is turned off to release the arrow by pressure. 

Watch this video to learn how to use Release Aids:

Protection for Recurve and Longbows

If you have a recurve or longbow, you can choose a simpler solution, such as gloves or finger tabs. They are much more suited for hand protection while not holding much weight.

If you are just starting out, archery gloves are ideal since they provide the most protection of any available alternative. Because there is a reduced chance of damage, this increased protection will help beginner archers feel more secure with their draw.

However, thick gloves also mean a loss of finger sensitivity. Thus, the shooting experience may be compromised.

Alternatively, tabs are also ideal for beginning archers because they provide the maximum sensitivity on the string. They are often made of leather, although the material is thinner than that of gloves. This gives the archer greater sensitivity on the bowstring but less protection.

The Bottom Line

If you want to learn to practice archery while having long nails, you should probably start with using a release aid of protection. While compound bow shooters benefit from release aids, recurve and longbow users tend to use gloves and tabs. It is best to test all your options and see what you are most comfortable with before deciding.

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