3 Differences Between EA Desktop And Origin

If you are a gaming enthusiast or just generally someone who likes to stay up to date with technology, you are probably well aware of all the latest technological developments. Recently, the EA desktop has replaced Origin as a more updated version of the prior.

The EA desktop is a more advanced, less cumbersome, and faster version of EA origin. It has been developed over time to make gaming more efficient for users. The EA desktop has features that Origin lacked; this includes faster ways to install and uninstall games and more room for interaction with other gamers. In short, Desktop is just a final and upgraded version of Origin. 

To understand the differences better, let’s look at the development background.

What Is EA Origin?

Origin was launched in 2011 as the first gaming service released by Electronic Arts. It was designed to allow users to purchase and play games. These games were limited to EA titles, but that was not the trouble. The trouble was the not-so-user-friendly nature of the PC platform. 

The issues in Origin were corrected by Electronic Arts when they launched the EA desktop as a rebranded version of Origin.

How Is EA Desktop Better?

EA desktop was recently launched as an attempt to reboot Origin. It is more efficient and developed in every sense of the word. This is a piece of good news for gamers who were getting tired of the issues they had to face with Origin. Let us look closely at the better aspects.

It Is Faster

One of the main complaints that users had with Origin was its slow speed. Games would take too long to download. The process of uninstalling was also tiresome. Desktops are much smoother when it comes to this. Games can be quickly purchased and downloaded. Gamers are not slowed down in the process.

Even transitioning from one screen to another is a much smoother process in the updated version. 

It Allows For Better Interaction With Other Gamers

Interacting with other gamers was difficult and complicated in the older version. Desktop does better because it makes the process as easy as a breeze. Your fellow gamer friends are constantly visible on the side of a screen, and contacting them is just a matter of a few clicks.

It Has Fewer Bugs And Glitches

Origin would often lose data or begin to glitch if you attempted to troubleshoot it. There was no mechanism to protect the system from these bugs and glitches. On the other hand, Desktop ensures that gamers don’t have to spend too much time dealing with these issues and can instead focus on gaming. 

The Bottom Line

In short, Origin had several faults that made it not so popular with gamers. They had to deal with slow speed and glitches, amongst other technical faults. Desktop is an attempt made by EA to rebrand its program and make it more user-friendly. Everything about it is an upgrade from the older version. 

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