Why does Kratos Hate the Gods?

The God of War’s protagonist is a tall, bald man with a muscular frame. As a demigod, he has the ability to save many lives, but he wastes his power the majority of the time. In Sony’s God of War games, Kratos has a history of rage and violence.

Kratos had tirelessly served the Olympian Gods for a decade (10 years), but he felt they did not care about or honor him despite his service. In addition, he believed he was merely a pawn to be used and would finally be eliminated once his usefulness had expired.

Before Kratos encountered the Norse Mythology gods, he earned a reputation for himself by overthrowing the Greek Pantheon and destroying Olympus’ most powerful monarchs. 

However, approximately a dozen Greek gods managed to escape Kratos’ path of devastation. Continue reading to know the facts surrounding Kratos.

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Facts About Kratos You Didn’t Know

Here are some intriguing things about Kratos you might want to think about.

Why Does Kratos Say “Boy” So Much?

One aspect of God of War (2018) that has effectively become a meme is that Kratos often refers to his son as “Boy.” It does add a depth of character development, as Kratos remains distant from his kid over most of the game. 

Fittingly, he refers to Atreus without using his name, but this is not the primary reason.

The real explanation is revealed by looking behind the scenes. 

Cory Barlog explained in a video that was originally uploaded to Twitter (but has since been deleted) that it took him some time to come up with the name Atreus. Consequently, he was simply referred to as “Boy.”

The Eagle In Helheim

During your journey to Hel to save Atreus from his illness, you observe a massive eagle in the distance. It only stands there, observing its surroundings. In Norse mythology, the eagle is a Jotunn, or gigantic, named Hraesvelgr (don’t ask us how to spell it).

Hrsvelgr was intended to play a larger role in the game, although it is unclear what he was supposed to perform. The most popular notion is that there would be a boss battle in Hel, which makes sense, given that boss battles are costly to develop. Neither confirmation nor refutation of the theory can be found.

The Boat Captain Gag

The boat captain is a key character throughout the story, but for an entirely different reason. In the original game, he first appeared as a man simply trying to live his life who had the misfortune of seeing Kratos.

You allow the captain of the ship to perish, and then stab his soul while departing Hades. His spirit is summoned during combat in the second game, only for you to slay him again. 

When revisiting Hades in God of War 3, you discover a message written by him. In God of War (2018), the captain’s boat ends up in Scandinavia when one of his crew members commandeers it. Even God of War Ascension makes reference to him through a relic he once possessed.

What Blades Should Kratos Be Using?

God of War’s most recognisable weapons is Kratos’s Blades of Chaos, which he obtains halfway through the game (2018). It appears that they are your default weapon in prior instalments of the game.

The Blades of Chaos, the Blades of Athena, and the Blades of Exile are the three variants of these swords. The first is stolen by Ares, while the second is shattered and reforged as the Blades of Exile. 

Therefore, Kratos should potentially wield the Blades of Exile, not Chaos. Nevertheless, for unclear reasons, the design of the blades in God of War (2018) is based on the original version, dating back to the first game.

How Strong Is Kratos?

This is more speculative than fact, but Kratos is one of those heroes that can virtually do anything. In a later entry, it is mentioned that Kratos is, apparently, the God of Strength.

He eliminated the majority of the Greek pantheon, including both gods and titans, and performed feats that defy logic. In God of War Ascension, he manages to beat a time-controlling opponent through brute force. 

And this is before we count the number of times he has perished. His bounds are absolutely non-existent. It would not be shocking if he perished once more in order to flee Helheim.

God Of War’s Ret Conned Story

The first God of War, released in 2005, contains significant indications that it was intended to be a standalone story, and its success led to the sequels being better developed. 

The game is riddled with discrepancies, ranging from Hades’s appearance and positive attitude towards Kratos (the man who killed his wife in the later-released prequel Chains of Olympus) to all the secret cutscenes that may be unlocked after completing the game but are no longer canon (though some elements were still used).

These images depict a different past for Kratos and even the discovery of Chronos’ skeleton by helicopters in the desert, which makes little sense given that Kratos kills Chronos in God of War 3.

The Actual Kratos From Greek Mythology

Most people know that Kratos is a fictional character created expressly for the video game, but there is a deity with the same name. Krátos, also known as Kratos or Cratus, is a god who symbolizes strength. According to mythology, he is the son of the Titan Pallas and the Goddess Styx—yes, the river from the third game is a Goddess.

Unfortunately, there are few tales about Kratos. He is rumored to have siblings, although sources disagree as to which gods are his siblings. The most well-known of the group is Nike, the Goddess of Victory.


Kratos had tirelessly served the Olympian Gods, but he thought that they did not appreciate or care about him despite his service. Furthermore, he believed he was merely a pawn to be used and would eventually be eliminated once his usefulness had expired.

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