Why Does Game Of Thrones Not Have Subtitles?

If you are new to Game of Thrones, you’ll notice no subtitles when the characters speak Dothraki. Since Dothraki is a fictional language, it is impossible to understand it without subtitles. You can even miss critical exposition due to this. However, we’ll explain the reasoning behind why Game of Thrones does not have subtitles.

Game of Thrones does not have subtitles for Dothraki because they want the viewer to relate to the main character. Since Daenerys also doesn’t speak Dothraki at the start, both she and the viewer cannot understand what’s being said.

However, that’s not all. There are more reasons why Game of Thrones does not have subtitles for Dothraki. Continue reading to find out why!

Does the DVD Version Have Subs?

If you watch Game of Thrones on Hulu or HBO Plus, you will notice that the subs are always present – much like in Netflix. However, if you have the whole collection on DVD, the subtitles seem to be missing when the characters speak Dothraki. 

This can be quite problematic as you can miss a lot of expositions due to this. The initial plan of the show writers was to not include subtitles for the language as it would keep the user shrouded in mystery. Unfortunately, some crucial discussions can be missed due to this.

Are the Subtitles Important?

If you cannot find subtitles for the show, you might be wondering if they are even essential or not. Subtitles for foreign/fictional languages in Game of Thrones are highly significant to the plot. They play a massive role as some characters explain their motives and schemes while speaking another language. 

It’s not impossible to understand what’s going on without subtitles, but it certainly takes the fun out of it. While the writers wanted those words to be full of mystery for the viewer, they can get annoying. Sometimes, the conversations are long, and listening to something you cannot understand becomes tiresome.

Are There Dothraki Only Subs?

Some people do not like to read English subtitles as they are native speakers, which can be distracting. However, having no subtitles means you are missing out on what characters are saying in other languages. Game of Thrones has a lot of foreign languages since it is a fantasy show after all. So, having subs turned on is recommended.

Fortunately, there is an option to turn on Dothraki – or any foreign language for that matter – subtitles. The subs will only appear on the screen when characters speak another language than English. If you are easily distracted by subtitles, this option is good to have. 


If you have the opportunity, we suggest watching Game of Thrones on either Hulu or HBO Plus. Both of these versions include subtitles for all languages. However, if you have the DVD version, you might need to download the subtitles somewhere. That’s all there is to this topic.

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