Can Squirrels Eat Sunflower Seeds?

Squirrels are adorable and endearing creatures that are frequently seen throughout most of the world. They are well-recognized for their acrobatic prowess and love of fruits, nuts, and seeds. Sunflower seeds are one food that squirrels are frequently linked to. Do squirrels, however, consume sunflower seeds? 

Yes, squirrels can eat sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are a popular food for wild and domesticated squirrels as they are a good source of protein, fats, and other nutrients. However, it is important to provide unsalted and unflavored sunflower seeds specifically meant for feeding wildlife.

This article will explore this question and provide you with all the information you need to know.

Squirrels’ Diet

Let’s examine their nutrition in more detail before responding to whether squirrels can eat sunflower seeds. Being omnivores, squirrels consume both plants and animals. 

Their eating habits change with the season, where they live, and the available food. Squirrels typically consume a wide range of nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects.

A squirrel’s diet should include nuts and seeds, especially in the autumn when they prepare for winter. Gathering and storing nuts and seeds by squirrels is common as they prepare for the winter. Acorns, hazelnuts, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are a few of the nuts and seeds that squirrels frequently consume.

Are Sunflower Seeds Safe For Squirrels?

Let’s address whether sunflower seeds are safe for squirrels to ingest now that we are aware that they consume nuts and seeds. Yes, squirrels can consume sunflower seeds. In reality, both in the wild and in human-made environments, sunflower seeds are a favorite meal of squirrels.

For squirrels to keep healthy, sunflower seeds are a rich source of protein, beneficial lipids, and other nutrients. They are a practical food source for squirrels since they are simple to locate and store.

However, it’s crucial to remember that not all sunflower seeds are made equal. Some sunflower seeds marketed for human consumption could contain salt or poisonous flavorings to squirrels. It is recommended to give squirrels sunflower seeds made exclusively for feeding wildlife that is unsalted and unflavored.

Watch this close-up video of a squirrel eating sunflower seeds:

Squirrel Eating Sunflower Seeds.

Feeding Squirrels Sunflower Seeds

There are several aspects to consider if you wish to give sunflower seeds to squirrels. First, ensure you give the squirrels sunflower seeds that are made especially for feeding wildlife and are unsalted and unflavored. 

Sunflower seeds intended for human consumption should not be given to them as they may contain dangerous compounds.

Second, pay attention to how much food you give the squirrels. Although good for squirrels, sunflower seeds are also high in fat and calories. For squirrels, eating too many sunflower seeds may result in obesity and other health issues. 

Generally, give squirrels a small quantity of sunflower seeds as a treat rather than as a main food source.

Lastly, be sure to place the sunflower seeds in a secure spot. Squirrels can readily climb trees and hop from branch to branch. They are noted for their acrobatic skills. Consider using a squirrel feeder made to protect the seeds from other animals if you wish to feed squirrels sunflower seeds.

Other Foods For Squirrels

Squirrels do not simply eat sunflower seeds, even though they are a favorite meal of many of them. Squirrels in the wild consume a range of nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. Consider providing squirrels with various foods to give them a diversified and healthy diet.

Some other foods that squirrel commonly eat include:

  • Acorns
  • Hazelnuts
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans
  • Almonds
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Insects

Tips To Feed Squirrels

You need to be careful not to offer them junk food since they will consume practically anything you give them. Make sure the food you feed squirrels is nutritious by checking the labels. Unfortunately, a condition known as metabolic bone disease, or MBD for short, can harm our furry little pets.

Due to the weakened bones, it creates in squirrels, this illness is quite harmful. Many professionals work in wild animal rehabilitation and have seen an upsurge in MBD cases. Because these cute little animals adore peanuts and sunflower seeds, it’s simple for humans to overfeed them.

Sunflower seeds and peanuts don’t hurt squirrels much; they’re just not that nutritious. Given that they can contain poisonous mold, raw peanuts can be particularly harmful.

Because these minerals are necessary for preserving optimal bone health, our furry little buddies need a suitable balance. For a balanced diet, squirrels should eat a variety of nuts, seeds, maize, fruit, leaves, fungus, and bark. The following sections will highlight some important food intakes for squirrels:

  1. Bones

Wild squirrels consume calcium by chewing on animal bones and deer antlers. Visit your local pet store and inquire about bones you can feed to them if you can’t find the precise bones indicated.

  1. Water

Ever wonder how much water people consume? Squirrels consume a lot of water and require considerably more during hot weather, nursing, and pregnancy.

They must have access to one if they cannot obtain clean water from their natural environment. If this is not possible, there is nothing wrong with assisting.

You can buy a product made expressly to give squirrels access to fresh water, or some squirrel feeders come with accessories for fresh water. Some people have installed heated birdbaths for squirrels to use in the winter.

  1. Natural Foods

The hazelnut is a fantastic natural snack to feed squirrels. Even better, you can buy or produce hazelnuts and give them to the backyard animals. Many homeowners design the landscape of their backyards to benefit squirrels, birds, and other wildlife.


Sunflower seeds are a favorite diet of wild and domesticated squirrels, and they may eat them. For squirrels to keep healthy, sunflower seeds are a rich source of protein, beneficial lipids, and other nutrients. 

But it’s crucial to give squirrels sunflower seeds that are made expressly for feeding wildlife—unflavored, unsalted, and unflavored. 

Giving squirrels sunflower seeds as a treat rather than a key component of their diet is recommended because too much could cause obesity and other health issues. To provide squirrels with a varied and healthy diet, consider giving them various foods.

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