Why Do Universities Charge For Parking?

With day-to-day expenses on an all-time rise, everyone looks towards saving their money wherever they can – especially students. When you’re already on a tight budget and existing on ramen, your university decides to make matters worse by charging you for parking – this may make you wonder, why is that so?

A shortage of parking, lack of subsidiaries, and wanting to be more eco-friendly are all the reasons a university may charge for parking.

Curious to know more about these parking fees? Well, read on to find out!

Why Do I Have to Pay to Park?

You may already be paying thousands of dollars in college tuition, and to have a parking fee added on top feels like a headache. However, with there often being a shortage in parking lots, these costs narrow down those willing to actually pay for a space. Think of it this way: do you really have to park your car, or are you just avoiding walking the few miles to campus?

How Is This Eco-Friendly?

After seeing such high parking fees, many individuals may opt for a different way to reach university. This could include biking, walking, or taking a bus to campus. All these modes of transport would greatly reduce the number of people driving and thus their carbon footprint. 

Here’s to a greener environment!

Average University Parking Cost

The average semester parking permit can range anywhere from $120 to $170. However, this value varies from university to university. One thing for sure is that our pockets will definitely be having a hard time. 

Here’s how campus parking for a particular university works:

Why is Parking So Expensive?

One plain and simple answer: because it’s self-funded. This means that most universities aren’t using the student tuition to provide parking services, i.e. it’s not subsidized. As such, the only way to generate revenue is through permit sales, meters, late fees, etc.

PS: Some universities charge extra for the closer the lot is to the university, so park wisely! Plus, walking a few meters could do wonders for your legs.

Parking Fees May Discourage Individuals

Unfortunately, parking fees have their downsides, too. Essentially, an employee is being charged to come to work – which, if you think about it, is a bit counterintuitive. Not only that, but these charges would certainly affect a student’s willingness to show up to their university. 

I don’t know about you – but I’d rather have more people coming in the door than out!

Cheap Transport Options

Looking to save money on transport? Well, worry not! Below we’ve listed a few ways you can do exactly that:

  • Carpool.
  • Take your local bus!
  • Use rideshare apps like Uber.
  • Biking! Not only is a bicycle environmentally friendly, but it also has no parking fees!


While it’s understandable why universities charge for parking, it’s still not the most fun to take this much money out of your pocket every semester. If you’re struggling to pay, perhaps it’s in your best interests to look for other (cheaper) alternatives – who knows, you might just find your match!

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