Are Portable Chargers Bad For Your Phone?

Whether you tend to have a schedule that has you away from a wall socket most of the time, or your phone’s battery health has deteriorated to the point where it needs two to three charges a day to work, you must be wondering whether there is a solution to this issue. Well, yes, portable chargers or more commonly known as power banks exist as a solution to this very problem. However, a lot of people have their doubts about such chargers and wonder, are portable chargers bad for your phone?

Generally, power banks do not have a bad impact on your phone. However, there can be instances where a certain factor can lead to portable chargers negatively affecting your phone.

Save your phone from being negatively impacted by portable chargers:

Portable chargers aren’t bad for your phone, they are a wonder for people who need to charge a device and don’t have access to a wall socket all the time. However, if you are still worried, here are some tips you can follow to keep your phone safe:

Select a power bank with the right voltage:

The ideal voltage a power bank needs to have should be 5V. At this voltage, it will charge your phone and won’t have any negative effects on your phone or its battery.

However, if the voltage is less than 4.2V then the portable charger will not only drain your phone but will also make the battery weaker than it already is, and reduce the battery life. 

Similarly, if the voltage is any greater than 5V, the portable charger will overload your phone’s battery and have a deteriorating effect on it. 

Don’t frequently use a portable charger:

Avoid using a power bank all the time. Use it only in emergencies, when you don’t have access to a wall socket. Furthermore, don’t charge your phone to a hundred percent using a portable charger. 

If you use the power bank to constantly keep your phone at a hundred percent, the power bank will damage your phone’s battery by overcharging it. As a result, your phone’s battery health will decrease and it won’t be able to retain its charge for long. 

Get a good quality power bank:

Always get your portable charger from a trusted, and authorized retailer. Getting a good quality power bank will ensure that your phone isn’t damaged by using the power bank. Not only can a bad quality power bank damage your phone’s battery, but it can also damage the charging port of your phone. 

Watch this video to learn more:

Other disadvantages of using a power bank:

Even though power banks do not have any harmful effects on your phone, there are still some disadvantages of it that you need to consider before you set out to buy one for yourself:

  • A good quality power bank is always expensive.
  • You will have to charge your power bank when its battery drains out. This can happen often if your power bank has a lower capacity or you are constantly using it to charge your phone.
  • A power bank with more capacity will also be bulkier, and you might not be able to carry it all day in your hand.

As you can see, there is no negative effect that a portable charger can have on your phone. If you follow the tips in this article, you will be able to use a power bank safely!

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