Should My Oven Be Hot From The Outside?

When learning how your oven works, many things should be taken into consideration. It is essential to know things that are acceptable and what are not. One of the primary things to know about your oven is its heating capabilities. For example, how your oven heats from the inside and the outside.

So, talking about the exteriors first, should your oven heat from the outside? The answer is Yes. Ovens do get heated from the outside. While baking, the heat from the inside rises and causes a few oven components to heat up simultaneously, including the exterior. This is normal and expected for the oven to heat up if running for hours. 

However, some ovens are better insulators, meaning that they can retain heat to a better extent than others. Therefore, they would only feel slightly warm to touch from the outside. Let us dive into some details.

Are The Sides Of Your Oven Hot? Here’s Why

It is prevalent for the oven sides to feel hot on touching. This is because the rising heat from the inside while baking makes the sides of the oven warm. Eventually, the heat gathers mainly on the top, making it hotter. However, this is normal for most ovens if they have been running for some time. You should not worry about fixing or replacing your appliance. However, some oven ranges are better at heat management than others. You just need to look for those when you buy one for yourself. 

Does Self-Cleaning Make The Oven Hot From The Outside?

Self-cleaning also tends to be the reason behind the oven’s heating from the outside. The temperature of the oven rises to 700-900 Fahrenheit during the oven’s self-cleaning. This rapid increase of heat may cause the outside of the oven to get hot, including the sides, bottom, and top. Although this is a regular practice for most of the oven, we highly recommend you go through the instructions to better understand how these appliances work during self-cleaning and how long it would take for your oven to run this phase. 

Have a look at this video for some tips regarding self-cleaning your oven.

Why Does Your Oven Cook Hotter On One Side?

If the oven cooks hotter on either of its sides, then there is an airflow problem. If the airflow is not distributed equally to all sides of the oven due to some blockage, it will cause the oven to cook unevenly. It is best to check the airflow of your oven and fix it as soon as possible to avoid further restrictions. Another cause of uneven cooking may be placing too many items into the oven at once. Therefore, try cooking the food items separately and see if it works. 

Final Thoughts

In summary, ovens do get hot from the outside, and it is common for most oven ranges if they are running for a long time at one go. If you are worried about the overheating or uneven cooking of your oven, you should look for its airflow blockage or something restricting your oven’s regular performance. Otherwise, all is normal and nothing to worry about!

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