Can You Fly RC Planes Anywhere? The Facts Explained

Having your remote-control plane is pretty cool, right? It may all seem like fun and games, except owning a device like that also comes with a lot of responsibility. There are specific rules that you have to follow when flying your RC plane. 

Generally, flying an aircraft under 400ft is acceptable in most locations, but it is advised not to fly the plane in public spaces or near an airport. You can’t just fly your remote control plane anywhere. You must follow specific FAA laws and regulations to ensure everyone’s safety. The Federal Air Administration (FAA) has detailed guidelines on the rules of flying an RC plane.

If you wish to learn about these laws and regulations in greater detail and understand why they exist, you have come to the right place. 

What Are Remote Control Planes Made Of?

Initially, these planes were made of Balsawood, plywood, cotton, and silk. Still, more recently, heavier materials such as aluminum, fiberglass, and certain plastics have been used to make the plane’s exterior. The blades are made of sharp plastic or steel, and the tires are generally made of rubber.

The construction of this plane makes it heavy and potentially dangerous if mishandled.

Can Remote Control Planes Be Dangerous? 

Remote control planes can fly fast. Depending on the design, engine, and the pace at which the operator is passing them, the speed can range from 30-150mph. They also weigh around 50-60lbs and have sharp blades that can cut deep. Even when flying at slow speeds, these planes can cause severe injuries and damage to anything that comes in between. These factors make the aircraft a danger to public safety.

In What Circumstances Are RC Planes Dangerous?

Remote control planes can threaten public safety if not handled with care. Just in 2019, there were over 1000 remote control aviation-related accidents. One of the most serious accidents occurred in 2006 when people died due to careless flying. Of course, certain circumstances in which these planes pose a significant threat to safety. These circumstances include

  1. Flying in crowded/public spaces
  2. Flying without proper training or being careless when flying the plane
  3. Flying in commercial areas with lots of infrastructures 
  4. Flying near an airport

What Is The Role Of The FAA?

The federal aviation administration is the largest aircraft transport industry in the US. They administer and regulate all aspects of manufacturing, operating, and maintaining aircraft. The FAA also creates laws necessary to ensure a safe flying experience. The rules established by the FAA are mandatory and approved by the government. Breaking these rules is illegal and can get you in trouble. 

When Does The FAA Prohibit The Flying Of RC Planes?

The Federal aviation administration has a comprehensive policy when it comes to flying remote control airplanes. Generally, they allow you to pass the plane for recreational purposes under 400ft almost anywhere as long as the plane is not within 5 miles of an airport with control towers. Flying over 400ft is not advised. Some other FAA guidelines include 

  1. Never fly near an aircraft.
  2. Not Flying a Remote control plane under the influence of substances.
  3. Flying away from crowded or public spaces
  4. Not flying without having passed a basic aircraft safety test
  5. You are not to fly an RC plane for commercial or non-recreational purposes.

What Are Ideal Places To Fly A Remote Control Plane?

Remote control planes require clear land for take-off and landing. The airspace also needs to be accessible to fly without any obstructions. It is ideal for flying in parks that are empty or parks that are uniquely designed to fly RC aircraft. Flying in national parks might harm nature and wildlife. Still, it is considered acceptable to fly in natural rainforests because the space is open enough and there are not a lot of people.

Do We Need A License To Fly A Remote Control Plane? 

In the United States of America, a license is not mandatory to fly a remote control plane, but it is still necessary to take an online test and have a certificate. The FAA has designed a recreational knowledge and safety test. This is known as the TRUST test. This test educates people about the safe ways of flying an RC plane or helicopter and then tests them on that knowledge.

What Does The Trust Test Include? 

The Recreational UAV Safety Test (TRUST) is a free test that is available online. The test explains the regulations, instructs how to use the B4UFly app on a phone or browser, and teaches us to identify restricted airspace and how to use LAANC-Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability to gain authorization to fly under airports’ controlled airspace. It also educates us about some other safety-related topics.

After the educational part, you are quizzed; as long as you pass the quiz, you can download the certificate and print it. If you fail, you can keep trying again until you pass.

What Happens If You Don’t Follow FAA Guidelines? 

Depending on the severity of your transgression, not following guidelines can result in your aircraft being confiscated to you having to pay a hefty fine. You can also land in prison if you end up causing injury due to careless behavior. Flying an aircraft of over 250grams without having passed the TRUST test can result in a fine that can go up to 1000 dollars. 

The Conclusion

Remote control planes are dangerous and potentially threaten the public if they are not handled with care. This makes it essential to know the safety precautions that must be taken before flying them. There is a reason why the federal aviation administration has a list of strict guidelines that we must adhere to when dealing with an RC plane. 

We need to keep these restrictions in mind when choosing where to fly our aircraft. 

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