Can The Ocean Dry Up? The Facts Explained

The oceans are the most vital support system for life on Earth and may potentially be essential for evolution on any planet. The oceans are considered to contain approximately 97.5% of all water on Earth. Can they dry up?

No, for billions of years, the planet has lived as a stable system with dramatically fluctuating CO2 concentrations and solar illumination. In terms of their real existence, the seas are completely safe until the sun expands in a few billion years, boils them away, and transforms the Earth into a cinder.

The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, continually cycles all water. Only a small amount of water is chemically changed. Almost all of it evaporates, turns into ice, is absorbed by plants, or seeps underground over millions or billions of years, yet it always returns. Evaporated water falls back to the Earth as rain. 

Continue reading to find out interesting facts about the ocean.

What If The Oceans Disappeared?

No Marine Life

Without ocean waters, no marine life would be able to live. Although there are numerous freshwater sources that can serve as a habitat for a variety of marine life species, the majority will perish in an ignominious fashion. They may perish as the ocean dries up, and this could result in the loss of many lives.

Burning Fires

Humans could potentially live for a time near our dwellings. We would still have access to groundwater and may be able to create underground hydroponic farms. But at the surface, vegetation and animals would instantly begin to dry out. 

While trees may survive without water for a time, eventually everything would become so parched that continent-spanning fires will break out and cause destruction to natural habitats.  

This would be a complex issue for humans: In addition to the usual difficulties connected with fires (such as death by burning), the fires would dump tonnes of carbon dioxide into the sky, speeding up global warming.

Temperature Difference

The sun would continue to beat down on the equator, transforming it into an inferno in the absence of ocean currents. Meanwhile, greenhouse gasses from global fires would trap solar energy close to the earth’s surface. 

Some fluctuation in temperature between night and day would produce high- and low-pressure systems and wind, but the average temperature on Earth would be 153 degrees Fahrenheit, rendering surface life impossible for all but the hardiest desert species.

Fight For Oxygen

on the surface of the planet, all plant life will perish. As the planet burns, the atmosphere becomes less and less oxygenated, possibly making it impossible for humans to breathe, even if they were able to withstand the tremendous surface temperatures. The ground would swelter.

Ocean: The Support System For Life On Earth

The oceans are the most critical life support system on Earth, and may potentially be essential for evolution on any planet.

Absorption Of Solar Radiation

They absorb solar radiation and spread it. Without water, the sun’s rays would burn the equator while delivering almost no energy to the poles, particularly in the winter. Fortunately, water is quite efficient at absorbing energy, and the seas regulate global temperatures.

Currents circulate warm tropical waters to the north and south and cold water back to the equator, transferring heat energy so that no location becomes too hot for life and warming colder regions.

The Water Cycle

The oceans contribute to the water cycle, which is the circulation of water from the seas to the air to the clouds, across thousands of miles, and back to the sea or land. When water at the equator is heated, it evaporates and forms clouds. As heated air rises, it also pulls cooler air from below. 

This method promotes more even heat dispersion, transforming potentially inhospitable areas into lush, warm gardens. This is why the Mediterranean is so temperate and why palm palms can be grown in parts of Scotland, which are warmed by the Gulf Stream.

Can You Drink Ocean Water To Survive?

The urine produced by human kidneys is always less salty than salt water. To eliminate the excess salt ingested by drinking seawater, you must urinate more water than you consumed. Eventually, you perish from dehydration as your thirst increases.

Can We Live Without the Ocean? 

We all depend on the water, whether or not we realize it. The immense stretches of water on Earth are essential to the survival of every species on the planet. The Earth is covered in 97% water. 

We consume seafood from the ocean, breathe the oxygen it emits, and feel the warmth of its enormous currents. Without a healthy ocean, human survival is impossible. Without a healthy ocean, humans cannot thrive.

Things You Can Do To Save The Ocean

Read the following to learn about six ways you can save the ocean.

Mind Your Carbon Footprint And Reduce Energy Consumption

Reduce the impact of climate change on the ocean by leaving your automobile at home whenever possible and reducing your energy consumption at home and at work, unsubscribing to unnecessary emails. 

Several things you can do today to get started: Change to compact fluorescent light bulbs, climb the stairs, bundle up, and use a fan or blanket to prevent oversetting the thermostat.

Make Safe, Sustainable Seafood Choices

Fish populations are quickly declining due to demand, habitat destruction, and unsustainable fishing methods. Help minimize the demand for overexploited species by selecting healthy and sustainable seafood while shopping or dining out.

Use Fewer Plastic Products

Each year, tens of thousands of marine animals are entangled and killed by plastics that wind up as ocean garbage and contribute to habitat damage. Carry a reusable water bottle. 

Store food in non-disposable containers, bring your own cloth tote or another reusable bag while shopping and recycle whenever possible to reduce your environmental footprint.

Don’t Purchase Items That Exploit Marine Life

Certain products threaten fragile coral reefs and marine populations. Avoid coral jewellery, tortoiseshell (made from hawksbill turtles) hair accessories, and shark products.

Support Organizations Working To Protect The Ocean

Numerous institutes and organizations work to preserve ocean environments and marine life. Consider offering financial assistance to a national group or volunteering for hands-on labour or advocacy. If you reside near the seaside, join a local branch or organization and become active in local projects.

Influence Change In Your Community

Before you cast your vote, investigate the ocean policies of public authorities or contact your local legislators to discuss and express your support for marine conservation programmes. 

Consider frequenting restaurants and grocery stores that provide only sustainable seafood, and voice your concerns if you observe an endangered species on the menu or at the seafood counter.


The Earth’s perfect distance from the Sun allows it to host life, but there are many more conditions that have contributed to the existence of more than 8 million species. The Earth was not designed for us; we were designed for the Earth.   

If the geology of the Earth changed drastically, as in this very extreme case, life would suffer an equally severe blow. Fortunately, life always finds a way to continue; it always does!

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