10 Ways To Make My RC Car Go Faster

Being an RC hobbyist entails a lot of experimentation. This involves exceeding your speed restrictions to move up the ranks. It’s entertaining, especially if you enjoy mudslinging with your buddies. The nice aspect is that most RC cars can be modified. If you’ve been wondering how to make RC vehicles travel quicker, we’ve got some great advice for you below.

You may speed up your RC car by making minor modifications. Changing the wheels, altering the gear ratio, and improving the engine and batteries are all excellent methods to increase the speed of your RC car.

Here are 10 ways you can improve the speed of your RC car. 

Purchase Additional Pinion Gear

The motor output shaft of your RC car is connected to a tiny gear known as the Pinion gear. Pinion gears, despite their small size, come in a variety of sizes. You’ll also observe that larger pinion gears have more teeth than smaller ones. 

Furthermore, with a large pinion gear, turning the spinning gear will be easy at its finest, efficiency. So, by adjusting your pinion gear, you offer your automobile the potential to travel more quickly. Furthermore, it is cheap for low-budget racers.

Lighten It Up

When it comes to the mobility of RC cars, weight is crucial. The heavier the machine, the slower it will most likely be. This is one of the essential things to consider if you want to give your automobile a little extra speed. 

First, determine which parts need to be replaced. For example, they are heavier because most of these automobiles are constructed of metal and plastic pieces. As a result, you may employ lighter materials such as aluminum or graphite. 

They also reduce wheel pressure, allowing the automobile to travel more quickly. Trim any surplus material on the front or rear ends of the vehicle as well. Even at high speeds, it will maintain excellent balance.

More Battery Pack

The battery is power in the world of RC cars. And it is the power that drives the machine. As a result, something as simple as purchasing a new battery pack for your automobile can make a significant difference, particularly in terms of speed. 

While it is crucial to know the various battery brands, it is the kind of battery and its associated voltage that is critical. The NiMH batteries have many cells with a voltage of about 1.2V. This type of four cell provides 4.8V. If you want a more powerful pack, you must choose the bigger cell battery, which is hefty.

On the other hand, lipo batteries have higher power per cell. A cell’s voltage is normally 3.4V. As a result, a 4 cell battery will provide you with 13.6V. As a result, Lipo batteries are lightweight and more efficient than NiMH batteries.

Change The Tires 

Tires are a key part of RC car speed and should be taken into account. For example, the look of the tire impacts whether the machine can go quicker or slower. If your automobile has a higher tire, it will likely go quicker, and vice versa. 

However, make sure the tire is the correct size to avoid stressing the engine and causing it to overheat. As a result, consider the sort of tires your automobile is equipped with and whether they are appropriate for your racing needs.

Motor Timing Should Be Modified

Still, there’s a lot you can do with the motor before deciding to get rid of it. Brushless motors benefit the most from motor timing adjustments. On one hand, they generally contain small dial markings for motor timing. To begin with, disconnect your automobile from any power source. Adjusting the dial takes talent, patience, and precision.

 For optimal results, do it gently by hand or with the assistance of a motor dyno. The reason I recommend a motor dyno is that it will show you the motor condition as well as the present timing. While you’re at it, make sure the motor temperature is correct to avoid overheating.

Get The Motor Replaced 

If you can’t change the battery and nothing else seems to be working, think about replacing the motor. Before you decide to replace the motor, see if a slight increase in gear ratio will assist. 

Otherwise, proceed with the trade. But only if you wish to extend the range of your RC car. Brushless and brushed motors are the two options to consider. Check with the maker of your RC car to learn which one is the best.

Replace Bearings

Upgrading to ball bearings is one of the simplest methods to boost the speed of your remote control car. This is especially critical if you have a low-budget automobile, as most of them employ brass brushing. Because ball bearings reduce friction, your automobile will drive quicker while saving its battery.

Use Oil Instead Of Grease

Grease is a heavy substance. So, after some time of use, it may harden, making mobility impossible. Consider switching to a different type of auto oil. The market is currently swamped with different possibilities, including the well-known WD-40. 

You will notice that the transmission is rather quick and that the other engine components are not clogged.

To Investigate The Suspension

The suspension is often overlooked by RC racers. Yes, it may not have been on purpose, but this apparently insignificant error might cause your RC car to slow down. As a result, it’s a good idea to double-check the shock absorbers and suspension regularly. 

The components should be cleaned and maintained regularly, including wiping away dust and dirt. Replace the oil in the shock absorbers as well. On all shocks, the shock shaft should be correctly positioned, and any loose parts should be repaired or changed, depending on their condition. 


The thrill for an RC vehicle lover is seeing it operate at top speed. And while different people have varied preferences, speed is a constant in this sector. So we realize if you desire a more exhilarating track experience.

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