Why Do They Play Music So Loud In Bars?

The weekend is finally here, and you can’t wait to catch up with your friends at the bar. You meet your pals at the bar and sigh in relief that everyone got together at the end of the week.

Suddenly, you realize that the music is so loud that no one can hear each other, and you are lost. You panic and start thinking, why do they play music so loud in bars that no one can have a practical conversation?

Loud music makes people more energized, and they become interested in taking part in what is happening around them. What’s happening in the bar is drinking, and people will naturally start drinking more instead of talking with each other. 

Read on to find more.

Why Do They Play Music So Loud?

It is an excellent business tactic because the bar owners will do more business and generate more revenue by selling many drinks. You might have noticed that the music starts slowly, and the volume gradually increases. 

It is a technique to build up energy in the room and stop everyone from talking by making the music louder!

Psychology Of Drinking More

There is never slow and mellow music playing in the bars because they don’t want you to get bored. They want you to stay energized and be as active as possible. People get highly influenced by the type of music playing around them and act accordingly. 

When fast-paced music is constantly playing in the bar, people start drinking faster and consuming more. This is a great business tactic for the bars to sell out massive amounts of drinks and generate revenue. It is why they play music so loud in the bars that no one can hear each other.

Loud Music Eliminates Conversation

Loud music or sound is a huge conversation killer, and this is precisely what they want to do. They don’t want you to socialize because they only want you to drink more. 

When you are at the bar, the music easily dominates your senses, and you do not even feel the need to talk to people around you anymore!

Domination Of Nonverbal Interaction

A pub or a bar is where nonverbal interaction dominates, and people communicate with each other without using words. This is especially true when people are flirting at the bar and communicating with each other by using their eyes. 

The loud music doesn’t allow them to communicate verbally. As a result, people feel more aroused and energetic. It is a win-win situation for the bar owners because they generate great business!

Watch this video to find out how loud music can negatively impact you:


Loud music is known to stimulate the pleasure zones of the human brain. You get a pleasure buzz in your ear when you listen to your favorite songs. 

The entire purpose of visiting a bar is to enjoy and entertain yourself; that is why they play music so loud.

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