Why Do Movie Theatres Still Use Projectors?

With all the rapid growth in technology, have you ever wondered why do movie theaters still use projectors? Surely there must be a new technology that would replace this, right? Worry not because we’ve gone ahead and answered this question just for you!

Movie theaters still use projectors due to a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that making a large LED screen will be extremely expensive and not practical at all.

However, that’s not all. There are tons of advantages of a projector that an LED screen just cannot compete with. If you’re curious to know more, continue reading to find out more!

Projectors Are Portable

One of the biggest advantages of using a projector is that they are portable. You can simply pick it up and move it where ever you want. This gives a lot of freedom to the theater to plan its layout.

Plus, in case the cinema has to be renovated, you can just pick up the projector and remove it. With an LED screen, you would have to carefully remove it and keep it in a storage area. 

Furthermore, the moving costs of an LED would be a nightmare. So, that’s why movie theaters prefer to use projectors to avoid all those extra costs and hassle.

Large LED Screens Are Expensive 

If you want to entertain a whole room full of people in a movie theater, you will need to have a gigantic LED screen. This will not only be impractical but also extremely expensive. As the size of the screen goes up, so does the cost.

Plus, you’ll also have to keep in mind the quality of the screen as well. If the quality isn’t good, it will show on a large screen. With a projector, you can use it without any worries.

The cost of getting a good projector is way less than getting a good and large LED. On top of that, the LED will strain the viewer’s eyes, especially the ones who are sitting closer to it.

If you are curious to see a large LED screen in a theater, check out this video:

Projectors Have Better Quality

Another major reason why projectors are still going strong is that they have pristine quality. LED screens – at least right now – cannot match that quality on such a large scale. On a smaller scale, LEDs might have a better result, but this is not true when you take into context the size of a theater. 

Plus, modern projectors have great quality that is absolutely unmatched. Especially if you turn off the lights, a projector will show much better colors and overall quality of the movie than an LED screen. 

Parting Words

There you have it; hopefully, that answers your question about “Why do movie theaters still use projectors?” Due to the additional costs and lack of quality, movie theaters avoid using LED screens. While there are some theaters that have dabbled into using LEDs, it is not worth the extra cost and hassle at all.  

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