Espresso Vs. Latte: Which One Is Better?

While some individuals prefer simple black coffee, there are a variety of exquisite coffee varieties to enjoy. Espressos and lattes are mainly two varieties. Which one is better, a latte or an espresso?

Espresso takes the lead between both. Despite the fact that both are prepared with coffee beans, they are quite distinct. Espresso is concentrated coffee prepared with finely ground beans. Lattes are ‘espresso-based drinks made with steamed milk.

Some people prefer to make it at home, while others prefer to get it from a local coffee shop. You will be able to decide which of these delightful coffee beverages you would like to pick the next time you visit a coffee shop. 

Continue reading to see what distinguishes a latte from an espresso!

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What Is A Latte? 

A latte is a coffee beverage with cream or milk. But is a latte an espresso-based drink? Lattes are espressos with the addition of hot milk. Latte can be served both hot and cold, which is a plus. Due to steamed milk, a tiny layer of foam rests on the surface.

What Is An Espresso?

 Expresso is a concentrated coffee drink with a robust flavour, and each shot contains around one ounce. The subsequent tamping enables uniform water penetration throughout the ground. Typically, this coffee drink is served black, although some individuals choose to add cream and sugar.

How Is An Espresso Made?

When creating espresso, you finely grind coffee beans and then blend them together using hot water under high pressure. This method concentrates the taste of the coffee bean to produce a powerful and bold brew. People often use special coffee grinders to make a fine blend. 

What Are The Key Differences Between A Latte And Espresso?


Lattes contain approximately 60% milk, so the volume of a latte is significantly more than that of an espresso. The smoothness and extremely subtle espresso taste of a latte are the key flavour distinctions.

The Volume of the Beverage

The amount of each beverage seems to be another key distinction in the latte vs. espresso debate. The smallest latte you may buy is 8 oz., while most espresso is delivered in portions of 2-3 oz. 

Add Ons

When ordering a latte at a coffee shop, you may modify it to your liking. You can select milk replacements, adjust the temperature of the milk, or request no froth at all.

Adding syrups is another common alternative. Most coffee shops provide a diverse selection of flavoured syrups. Vanilla, caramel and cinnamon are among them. Seasonal tastes include pumpkin spice, gingerbread, and peppermint. Due to their large range of possibilities, lattes are far more customisable than espressos.


Latte has a smooth, creamy texture and a rich caramel flavour, while espresso has a strong, bitter, and acidic flavour. Espresso shots are relatively more expensive because they taste better than lattes. 

Caffeine Content 

A latte has a total of 67 milligrams of caffeine. On the other hand, an espresso is likely to have an estimated 170 milligrams to 220 milligrams of caffeine. It is therefore obvious that espresso is stronger and richer in flavour. 


There are about 110 calories in a latte, while an espresso contains zero calories. Espresso is more concentrated and is often used as a stimulant to enhance activity. It also suppresses appetite and aids in weight loss.

Top Layers

Lattes contain a coating of microfoam on top and are considerably creamier than espresso. Microfoam is milk that has been steamed until the bubbles are too tiny to perceive with the naked human eye. The foam in a latte is made from milk foam. Steam is passed through milk to make milk froth. 

The steam forces the milk’s fat molecules to rise to the surface and create bubbles. Baristas can design shapes in your latte thanks to the milk foam. If the froth atop a latte is smooth and rich, it is of high quality.

“Crema” is the term used to describe the top layer of espresso. The cream is made by running hot water through coffee grinds. The oils in the coffee beans infused with CO2 are released by passing hot water through the coffee grinds. The CO2 causes the coffee oils to rise to the surface. 

This results in the crema that forms on top of the espresso. The crema layer is about a fifth of an inch thick. If it’s thicker than this, it means the espresso was brewed entirely from Robusta beans.

Do Lattes Include Espresso?

Espressos are one of the first coffee beverages. The latte was created by combining espresso with milk and crème. Because of this, espresso is a component of all lattes, and a normal latte contains one to two shots of the beverage.

How Many Espresso Shots Are In A Latte?

A large steamed latte contains one shot of espresso, whereas a grande contains two shots. The natural conclusion would be that a Venti has three shots, but this is not the case. According to a Starbucks employee, a hot Venti latte includes only two shots of espresso—no more than a Grande.

Which Is Preferable, Espresso Or Cappuccino?

Espresso has more caffeine than a cappuccino, but only if your cappuccino contains a single shot of espresso. In the event of two shots, a cappuccino contains more caffeine than a standard espresso.

Which Is Healthier, A Cappuccino Or A Latte?

A cappuccino contains 40 milliliters of milk and less fat, so the latte has more unhealthy calories on that basis alone, but if you load it with sugar, the difference is minimal. Both methods of preparation rely on espresso. 

The proportions of coffee and milk are used to determine the differences. In fact, for coffee with milk, the proportions of coffee and hot milk are identical. A tiny bit of milk froth is then added. However, the amount of hot milk in the latte, which is exclusively an Italian version of coffee with milk, is greater than that in espresso.


Espressos and lattes are both great coffee beverages. They are prepared to utilize distinct processes and have distinct flavour profiles. The key distinction between lattes and espressos is that lattes always contain espresso. 

On the contrary, espresso does not always include milk. A latte is much more subtle in flavour and much larger than an espresso. However, both beverages are readily consumed by coffee lovers.

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