Does Star Wars Take Place in One Galaxy?

Star Wars – an epic space opera set in an even more epic galaxy. You’ve got your heroes, your Jedi, and the average Sith lord here and there spanning over the entire universe. But, if you’re an avid fan, you might be confused about one particular detail: How many galaxies are in this universe? And does Star Wars take place in only one?

Well, to answer your question, no. While most of the action does take place in a single galaxy, maps shown in Star Wars II and III revealed several dwarf galaxies orbiting the main one. 

Has your inner Star Wars fan awoken and wants to know more about these galaxies? Well, then continue reading to find out more!

Rishi Maze

In a galaxy far, far away lies Rishi Maze – one of the dwarf satellite galaxies. It was first mentioned in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, when Dexter Jettster talked about the location of planet Kamino: “No, no. It’s beyond the outer rim. I’d say about twelve parsecs outside the Rishi Maze.”

While it would seem fun to explore this galaxy, it’s also been referred to as the labyrinth of death…which, if you ask us, sounds a bit scary. Who knows what lurks out there?


Located 150,000 light-years away from the main galaxy is Firefist (Geez, it would take ages to get there in human time!). Like Rishi Maze, it is one of the seven dwarf satellite galaxies that orbit the main galactic disc too. 

Unfortunately, there is not much that is known about this galaxy. From its name, we can’t help but wonder if it has a fiery nature – alas, only time (a.k.a more lore) will tell!

The Nagai: Species of Firefist

Also known as the Knives, these human-like species come from the Nagi planet, which resides in Firefist. Though they may look frail, don’t be fooled! Nagai have extremely fast reflexes and are known for their agility in combat.

Picture this: you mistakenly let your guard down for a second, and the next thing you know, you’ve been kicked to the floor. Ouch!

Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy

Inhabited by the Yuuzhan Vong, this galaxy first appeared in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. It was once home to almost 300 trillion sentient species – but unfortunately, the Yuuzhan Vong wiped them all out in genocide. Only the Chazrach were left, who met the sad fate of enslavement. 

From this, we can safely say that the Yuuzhan Vong are not to be messed with – so we’d recommend not getting on their bad side!

Watch this video to learn more:


So now you know whether Star Wars takes place in one galaxy or not. The lore is vast in the Star Wars universe, where all sorts of fantastical things happen – some of which one should definitely be careful of. If you know any fellow Star Wars fans confused about the same question, why not send them this article? Y’know what they say – it’s always good to pay it forward!

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