Do You Burn More Gas While Sitting In Traffic?

It’s been a long day; you just got off work, and now have plans for a relaxed evening at home. The problem? You’re stuck in a traffic jam. With so much time ahead of you, you might wonder whether to turn your engine off or not. After all, you may worry you’re burning more gas while sitting idle.

Well, you’re right! Your engine runs as you sit in traffic, and not only do you waste fuel, but you also burn more gas –which is not a great situation to be in.

Read on to find out the various ways you can be fuel-efficient and save gas!

Why Idling Is Wasteful

Whether you’re sitting in traffic, waiting at a drive-through, or listening to the ending notes of your favorite song –an idling car can be rather fuel-inefficient. Why? Because your car is getting zero miles to the gallon.

So, unless you enjoy a high gas bill, we’d recommend you turn your engine off when the car isn’t moving. A happy tank and a happy pocket equal a happier you!

Want to find out how much fuel an idling car uses? Then check out the video below!

Should I Turn My Engine Off?

The answer to this question depends on how much time you’re planning to idle. If it’s for a minute or more, turn the ignition off. If it’s for a shorter time frame, you may as well keep the engine running. Remember, every time you start up your car, you’re also burning up a little fuel –so, think your decision through!

Shifting to Neutral

Want to save gas but don’t want to turn your engine off? Well, worry not –we have a solution! Shift your gear to neutral –this calms your engine down and decreases your RPM value. Now you can enjoy the cool breeze of the AC without draining your gas tank.

Driving Fast vs. Slow

Many people are under the impression driving faster burns more fuel, and as such, the slower they drive, the less fuel their car will use. Unfortunately, that’s not true. A car’s peak fuel efficiency is between 50-80 km per hour. To save your fuel, don’t drive any faster or slower than this speed. (Unless it’s stated by the speed limit, of course. We wouldn’t want you getting a fine!)

Don’t Speed Up Too Quickly

Rapidly accelerating is never a good idea. It not only wears out your car and strains its engine and tires, but it is also terrible for your gas tank. Instead, slowly press on the gas pedal to gradually increase your speed. You know what they say, slow and steady wins the race.


The next time you’re stuck in traffic, it may be in your best interests to turn the engine off or shift to neutral. In doing so, you can end up saving a lot of fuel. Gas is precious (and so is your hard-earned money), so use it wisely! 

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