Do Sharks Like the Taste of Humans?

Sharks, as top predators, play a vital function in the ecosystem by keeping the species below them in the food chain alive and acting as an indication of ocean health. They aid in the removal of the weak and diseased, as well as maintaining the balance with rivals, so ensuring species variety. However, do sharks also like to eat humans?

A shark might eat a human, but it is certainly not their favorite meal. Sharks do not like to eat humans as they are not a part of their natural diet. According to research, they are highly sensitive to the smells of seals and fish, but not of humans. The problem with sharks is that they are inquisitive, and when they see a prospective prey item, they usually come up to nibble as a means of investigation.

Find more interesting facts about the ocean’s largest predators below.

Do Sharks Often Attack Humans?

The majority of the more than 400 different shark species are found to be harmless to humans. Those that are known to be ‘dangerous’ to humans number around only 10 of those 400 plus known species of sharks.

Every year, there are less than 100 shark attacks worldwide. There are fewer than 20 deaths. This is frequently caused by blood loss. A shark eating a human is highly rare and unlikely. An expert commented that you are more likely to die from using your toaster than from a shark attack. 

Can Sharks Sense Blood In The Water?

Yes, sharks can detect trace amounts of blood in the water. However, several investigations have revealed that they are only truly drawn to fish and marine mammals’ blood/body oils, their native prey.

Sharks respond most strongly to odors created by damaged or distressed prey, according to experiments. The shark does not react as strongly to the same prey if it is healthy and uninjured.

Why Do Sharks Attack Humans? 

Sharks are opportunistic hunters, which means that they’re always on the lookout for an easy meal. They could also mistake us for prey, like seals in some cases. For the most part, sharks are naturally curious creatures, so they might come to see if they can check what it is when they sense humans through their receptors. They don’t want to eat humans because they aren’t worth the effort, and don’t want human meat.

What Time Are Sharks Most Active? 

Sharks are the most active at dusk and dawn when hunting for food. You can reduce your risk of shark encounters by staying out of the water at these times of the day. Sharks also don’t have the best vision, so they will be more likely to confuse a human for its natural prey when visibility is low.

What Do Sharks Like To Eat? 

Sharks prefer hunting fish to hunting humans. When they’re hungry, they go straight for the fish. Humans are too bony for them to be of any real interest. On the other hand, sharks do prefer certain types of fish over others. 

Sharks prefer to eat softer prey such as seals, dolphins, and sea turtles. Sharks have highly evolved senses, making them the ocean’s top predators.

Here’s an interesting video for you to learn more about shark diet! 

What To Do If A Shark Approaches You? 

Sharks have been known to attack humans when they are confused or curious. If a shark sees a human splashing in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. 

If a shark spots you, try to remain calm. Although it is hard to do so, it is your best option as splashing or panicking would only worsen your situation. Try to stay calm, keep the shark in sight, and if possible, exit the water slowly. 

Playing dead will get you nowhere. Avoid attacking the shark with your bare hands by using whatever you have at your disposal (surfboard, dive gear, fishing equipment). If you must use your hands, focus on the eyes, nose, and gills. Make quick movements to frighten the shark.

While each survivor describes the experience differently, a common description from shark attack survivors is the attack feels similar to being punched or bumped. Some survivors have even recounted no pain at all!

How Do Sharks Hunt Their Prey? 

Most sharks have highly evolved senses that enable them to hunt prey in the ocean. They, like other fish, locate their prey through both sight and smell. Sharks’ eyes are adapted to seeing prey, even in murky water. They also have sharp teeth that are ideal for grabbing their prey. A lateral line is a special organ found in sharks.

This detects vibrations in the water caused by struggling fish and other animals like seals and turtles. Sharks use their sharp teeth to bite down on their catch. They drag their prey into deeper waters to finish eating it.

Do Sharks Lay Eggs? 

There are over 500 species of shark living in waters around the world and the majority give birth to live young. The remainder is oviparous, meaning they lay eggs. 

There are more viviparous shark species – which bear live young – than sharks that lay eggs. But throughout Earth’s oceans, viviparity occurs in a variety of forms.

For instance, Great white sharks gestate their pups for a year before giving birth, that’s longer than humans. Between 2 to 12 babies are born at a time. 


Sharks are opportunistic hunters and can be dangerous predators, but they rarely attack humans unprovoked. They do not like the taste of humans as they are not a part of their natural diet. 

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