Do Bears Eat Humans?

Humans have many natural predators that they stand no chance against. Some of the most common ones that you may know about are crocodiles, snakes, wolves, and lions. But do bears also eat or attack humans?

Most bears will not eat humans. This is because they do not think it worth it to attack a human since they don’t have a lot of meat. For a bear to attack a human, it would have to be either old, sick, or injured.

Read below as we take you through important information about how likely it is for a bear to eat you and what to do in case of a bear attack.

Do Bears Eat Humans?

Bears often don’t eat humans. But there have been a few instances where bears have killed and eaten humans. The bear(s) in question were probably too old, too sick, or too injured to successfully hunt their preferred food sources. 

However, the truth is rarely black and white. A healthy bear-eating human seems unlikely, but it is possible.

To the cost of ourselves, the planet, and all other forms of life, humans have become the planet’s most voracious predators. But without protection, we’re sitting ducks for the next top predator that happens to think we look soft and tasty.

Do Bears Ever Attack People?

Most mammalian predators rarely, if ever, attack humans. We’re risky and not worth the trouble. Even when sharks do attack, they usually reject humans after a test bite because our bones are too tough to chew.

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 Of course, there are instances in which animals that are malnourished or animals that have been maimed or injured to the point where they are unable to take their typical prey might transform into man-eaters, and every species has its share of individuals that are unique to itself.

One notable exception is the polar bear. They are the only kind of hypercarnivorous bear, and they regularly kill humans. They may be terrifying, but at least they are silent killers, so you won’t have much time to worry because they will suddenly appear and slaughter you. 

They’re not monsters, but they’re one of the few predators you shouldn’t approach unless you’re prepared for the risk of being attacked, even if the animal is otherwise healthy, in the same way, you wouldn’t approach a crocodile or a tiger.

The American grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear that rarely attacks humans. Even if a brown bear attacks you or makes other violent gestures, it probably just wants you out of there, away from its cubs or off its territory.

When compared to their grizzly relatives, American black bears are noticeably more timid. A grizzly bear is more likely to make threats to scare you away, while a black bear will simply run away. As rare as it is, you may find yourself in the path of a charging black bear. 

If the bear is serious about attacking, it is almost certainly looking for a meal. But again, this is rare. Dogs, cows, and bees are more likely to kill humans, therefore, it’s preferable to focus your attention on them.

The Asian sloth bear is an amusing example. These medium-sized bears aren’t known to be particularly hostile or man-eaters, but when they do attack a person out of fear or territorial defense, they have a strange propensity to aim for the face. 

Most bear attacks end in terrible scars and broken bones, assuming the victim makes it to the hospital at all. Provoke a sloth bear, and you might as well plan on getting a face transplant.

What to Do When a Bear Attacks

If you encounter a bear in the wild, it is best to keep calm and walk away from it rather than run away, especially if it has cubs. If you get too close to a bear cub, no matter how cute it may seem, the mother bear will almost certainly attack you. The blame here rests squarely on human shoulders.

Overexposure to humans can cause a bear to lose its inherent fear of them. Bears that have lost their natural fear of humans are the deadliest kind, and they can be found in places like national parks and neighborhoods. 

Bears that regularly raid trash cans and dumpsters learn to associate the odor of humans with the presence of tasty food. An encounter with one of these supposedly harmless bears is more likely and is made worse when tourists approach them for photos or thrills.

Fortunately, the vast majority of people do survive a bear attack, especially if they are prepared. Identifying the species of bear attacking you is important before you respond. In the United States, you’re only likely to encounter black bears or brown bears (sometimes called grizzlies) in the wild.

The black bear is the only species of bear found in the lower 48 states, and it is not known for being very violent. Never run away from a bear if one approaches you; doing so may provoke a chasing response, and bears can run up to 30 miles per hour. Maintain your composure. Avoid trees as well, as bears have a higher climbing speed than most people realize.

Rather, make yourself seem bigger by facing the bear and making a great deal of noise (by smashing a pan, for instance, and screaming). Bear-specific UDAP pepper spray should be with you at all times. Keep your ground; black bears are notorious bluffers. 

In the event of an attack by a black bear, you should fight back aggressively, aiming for the animal’s delicate face and snout. Put your fists, feet, teeth, rocks, sticks, roots, and whatever else you can think of to use.

The brown bear, sometimes known as the grizzly bear, is much larger than the black bear but rarer; it can only be found in Alaska, Canada, and the northwest United States (Washington, Idaho, the Dakotas, and Montana). 

Even though the grizzly can be found all over Alaska and a closely related brown bear, the Kodiak, can be found on the Kodiak Islands, fatal attacks from brown bears are extremely uncommon.

Just like with a black bear, it’s best to keep your distance and keep your cool if you encounter one of these animals.


In conclusion, it’s not likely for a bear to eat humans, but it sure is possible. If you are traveling to or residing in areas that are frequented by bears, you must know how to protect yourself in the event of a bear attack.

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