Can You Drive A Tesla Without A Key?

Unsurprisingly, many cars today don’t require the good old-fashioned-turning-the-key way of starting the engine. Instead, with the push of a button, you’re out of your driveway and onto the road. And while this is true for most modern cars, can it also be true for Tesla? 

Tesla normally uses a key fob to operate. As a rule, you can’t drive without it. But if you don’t have the key fob, it is possible to drive a Tesla without using a key card. If you don’t have your key card, you can unlock and drive the vehicle with your phone. Check that your smartphone is fully charged and operating at peak performance. 

When the feature is initiated, you’ll have 2 minutes to get into your car and drive away without using a key.

If your phone’s battery has died or your phone has been lost somehow, use your key card to unlock, drive, and lock. Model 3. Key fob – If installed, the key fob allows you to open both the front and back trunks, as well as unlock, lock, and drive the Model 3.

Can A Push Button Car Be Stolen? 

You’d think that improved technology would keep a car from being targeted for theft, but push-start cars can be stolen. Modern cars are becoming more intelligent, but that’s also made car thieves equally clever and crafty. 

To steal push-start vehicles with keyless entry, thieves use a device known as a relay attack device. 

This device intercepts the signal from your key fob and fools the vehicle into thinking their device is the correct key fob. In some cases, these devices can detect the key fob’s signal from several yards away.

Any vehicle with keyless entry and start is vulnerable to this type of theft. Manufacturers are attempting to make it more difficult to circumvent a vehicle’s computer system, but nothing is guaranteed.

For this reason, the Honda Accord ranks as the most stolen vehicle in the United States. The ride can be completed in seconds, which is especially impressive given that 52,244 units were destroyed in a single year. According to the statistics, this tends to make it the simplest car to break into.

How To Protect Your Car? 

When thieves aim for a car, they can use keyless entry features to gain entry without possessing the key. One of the most common forms of keyless car theft can be carried out in less than 2 minutes, right outside your door. The theft is carried out by criminals using two devices.

However, there are a few things you can do to protect your vehicle:

  • You might be able to disable the wireless signal on your key fob. Check your car’s manual or contact the manufacturer to see if this is a possibility.
  • Keep your key fob away from windows and doors so that the signal from outside cannot be picked up.
  • To prevent the signal from being picked up, use a signal-blocking pouch with a metallic liner.
  • To prevent a thief from driving away, use contraptions such as steering wheel locks.

A dependable car insurance policy is another important form of protection.

Traceable Tesla Keys

Tesla’s electric vehicles are outfitted with some of the most cutting-edge technology available. And now, perhaps because it can’t stuff any more inside the cars, it’s squeezing even more into the key fob.

Tesla’s Bluetooth key-fob uses the same technology that allows most modern smartphones to communicate with wearable devices, activity trackers, and smart tags. Tesla could have added this for a variety of reasons, the most likely being a ‘find my car keys’ feature. 

When you launch the Tesla app, it may be able to determine where you left your key fob. Continue reading to learn more.

Is It Hard to Get Used to Driving a Tesla?

It’s not difficult to get used to driving a Tesla. It’s simply different. For decades, drivers have been accustomed to driving and operating their vehicles in a specific manner. 

Getting used to new technology can be frustrating at first, but it improves once the user recognizes the benefits. 

When all is said and done, the overall experience can be extremely exciting. Furthermore, after driving a Tesla, you may not want to drive an older vehicle again. You can even operate the Tesla without using your phone.

If you don’t have your phone with you, you can use your access key card to open and drive the vehicle. The card must be placed in the B-pillar area located between the front and rear doors. 

You can also use your key fob if you have one. This will also enable you to start and drive the vehicle. It is not necessary to use your phone to start your vehicle, but you need to be cautious not to lose the smaller items. 

How Expensive Is A Keyfob? 

That depends on how much you are willing to spare. The key fob can be purchased for $175 from the Tesla Store. The Tesla Model 3 and Y are also available without key fobs. Customers can once again obtain fobs from the Tesla Store. To save money, Tesla initially sold the Model 3 without key fobs to clients when it first launched in 2017. 

However, the company later reversed its decision and released key-fobs for the Model 3 on the Tesla Store in 2019. Tesla CEO Elon Musk stated at the time that Tesla really needed to equip all owners with “a normal key.” 


Although you can operate your Tesla with a phone, it’s still pretty convenient to own a key fob or a key card. Tesla key cards are a comfortable, safe, and low-cost way to give you additional access options to your vehicle. 

The company provides several alternatives to traditional keys, and you can choose the method that is most comfortable for you. Using the methods mentioned above, you can easily solve problems with your key items.

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