Can Welders Have Long Hair? The Facts Explained

Whether you are thinking of it as a possible profession or just a DIY project, starting at welding is easy. It is a great trade because you can begin from the bottom in a workshop and learn everything while on the job. The question that many may have in their minds may be if they need to get a haircut before starting? Can you have long hair when welding?

You can have long hair as a welder, as no specific requirement forbids welders from having long hair. However, having short hair while welding is preferable to avoid accidents. If you still want to have long hair and weld, make sure to follow the safety precautions.

It’s normal to be concerned about your hair becoming caught in welding equipment and posing a safety danger. Continue reading to know more about the safety tips for welding.

How Long Hair Can Be A Safety Hazard While Welding

You must be very well aware of all the hazards and risks that can happen during your welding project. If you are someone with long hair, it’s easy for things to go wrong when you are working on a project.

When you are welding, you will come across molten metals, welding arcs, and UV rays in the workplace. The combination of these components puts you at a high risk of severe burns. The welding arc itself is extremely hot and may reach a temperature of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Your personal safety should be the first priority as you go forward with your welding project. Your head is the command center and the most crucial portion of your body. Long hair puts your head and hair in danger of damage.

The real risk comes from the arc’s splatter, sparks, and heat, which can reach any location within 35 feet. You would want to provide extra protection for your long hair in such an environment. If your hair catches fire, it can burn quickly and cause additional severe problems. At the very least, you may have to trim or shave your hair.

The Right Safety Equipment And Precautions

There are various techniques to keep your long hair out of your way while working. Many equipment manufacturers have devised personal protective equipment to safeguard every area of your body during welding. 

You may protect your long hair in a variety of methods including these. Let’s take a look at the ways to protect your long hair when welding:

Keep Your Hair Tied

If you have long hair, you would want to tie it up in the workshop, so that it remains protected. A tight bun is the traditional and most practical approach for a welding operator to protect their long hair. Wrap an elastic band around your buns to keep them from undoing themselves.

If you have unmanageable hair, simply push it up with bobby pins and you’re good to go. Anything that keeps your hair from flapping around and distracting you from your task will suffice.

Buns are the simplest answer for welding with long hair, but they are not the greatest solution for everyone. It is not suitable for all hair types and is not the most secure hairdo available. So, it is recommended to learn to do a tight braid to ensure it stays together. It is best to tie your hair in a braid or a low pony tail and tuck it inside your jacket. 

You can wear a head scarf or tie a cloth over your head to cover it as well. It will provide you protection from any sparks that fly around everywhere when you are welding. To push all the ends in, use bobby pins or a clip that does not fall off. 

Wearing Welding Hoods and Helmets

Welding hoods, helmets, or shields are the best choice for maximum protection against ultraviolet radiation, flash burn, heat, infrared light, or sparks. They will shield your face, neck, eyes, and hair at the same time. So, for the best protection, I’d recommend investing in one.

Welding hoods are lightweight and composed of cotton or leather. Make sure the helmet you purchase is lightweight and comfortable to wear. It should also feature a splatter shield, adjustable settings, a sensor bar, and replaceable parts.

Wearing A Welding Cap

A welder’s cap protects the welder’s head from slag spray and hot metal. Cotton welding helmets or cotton doo-rags are the best to use. A cotton baseball cap, on the other hand, is a good alternative. If you want to wear a hat, be sure it’s not made of polyester.

Air Purifying Mask

Because welding generates hazardous fumes and gases, it is suggested that you wear a filter mask, a 12-mask respirator, or a powered air-purifying respirator while working. Aside from eliminating pollutants, these machines contribute to a more comfortable working environment for welders. The airflow cools the welder’s face.

Does Welding Cause Hairloss?

Taking out the risk of any unwanted accidents and your hair catching fire, welding is not particularly associated with hair loss.

When you perform welding related tasks, you expose your body to dangerous welding gases and vapours. They are undeniably hazardous to your health, and you must keep the vapours away from your brain. Many people, though, question if inhaling the vapours will hasten hair loss.

The truth is that there is no link between inhaling fumes and hair loss. Hair loss is inherited and might worsen as a result of stress or disease. If the fume causes one of these, it may have an effect on your hair loss.


To conclude, Welders can have long hair if they follow all the safety precautions. Although it is preferable to have a short haircut as the operating welding machines has a high risks of burning and accidents, it is not absolutely necessary that you chop off your hair. 

Just make sure to be careful and keep safe.

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