Can Fireworks Be Stored In A Hot Garage? 

Who doesn’t love fireworks? Each time there is a special event, we wish to celebrate by lighting up the sky with colors. Fireworks add more excitement to all occasions, and having a steady supply of them in your garage sounds like the perfect strategy. But what about storage? 

No, it would be ill-advised to store fireworks in a hot garage. The risk increases if your garage is hot and lacks proper air conditioning. In a setting like your garage, there is always the risk of explosion caused by heat and humidity. Your fireworks may even go bad and stop working. 

We have mentioned multiple reasons why that is the case; let’s delve deeper into them to help you better understand the issue. 

Why Are Hot Garages Not Ideal For Storage?

It’s true that garages have a lot of storage space and are usually out of the reach of children. These reasons may make it suitable to store potentially dangerous things like fireworks, but a garage also has certain drawbacks, especially one without air conditioning.

There Is Too Much Heat

If your garage is hot and does not have the proper air ventilation, there is a risk of explosion if fireworks are stored there. This risk is exceptionally high if the temperature exceeds 54 Degree Celcius. The heat can cause the fireworks to ignite and set off, potentially endangering lives and damaging other equipment in the garage.

The Garage Is Humid

Hot areas also tend to get very humid. There is a fair chance that the humidity levels in hot garages might be very high. Even if an explosion is not set off, the high humidity levels in a hot garage might damage the gunpowder of the firearms. 

Too much moisture would render them useless. To avoid this, the fireworks should always be stored in a low humidity area, preferably with air conditioning.

Electronic Appliances And Flames May Be Present

Garages typically have other electronic appliances present within them. There may be a car in the garage. The garage might also have other flammable objects. 

Under certain weather conditions, these appliances or flammable objects can also react with the fireworks and cause them to explode. The risk significantly increases if the garage is hot. So storing your fireworks here isn’t the best idea. 

Garages Are Accessible By Children 

More often than not, garages are easily accessible to young children. This means that they will have access to the fireworks as well. Letting children near explosives is dangerous for them and everyone in close proximity. It’s best to store them someplace children cannot access them as easily. 

The Conclusion

As convenient as storing fireworks in garages sounds, it is usually not the safest bet. The risk is increased further if the garage is hot. Storing fireworks in hot garages involves other complications like humidity or things going adverse because of proximity to other flammable objects. But we understand that purchasing fireworks for every other occasion can be tedious. We recommend you keep fireworks in a cool and secluded place instead. 

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