Can Chess Pieces Move Backwards? What You Need To Know

Chess is a classic strategy game that challenges the finest minds in the world. The very first thing to learn, when you are learning to play chess is the movement of chess pieces. So, let’s see if chess pieces can move backwards.

Contrary to the checkers game, most chess pieces can move both forward and backward, except for the pawns. The pawns can only move one square forward at a time, but they can move two squares forward on their first move. Moving the pieces backward can be viewed as a passive defense in some cases.

Find more information below. 

Is Chess A Sport? 

Chess is a two-player strategy board game in which the goal is to move various sorts of playing pieces, each with a predetermined set of movements, over a cheered square board in order to capture the opponent’s ‘king’ piece.

It is a board game, but it is a very complex and intricate one. Chess has been recognised as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. While the status of chess is not enough for it to be included in the Olympic Games, it does acknowledge the inherent sport-like properties in chess.

How To Set Up A Chessboard?

If you have a chess set and want to play a game, the first step is to get the board properly set up.

  1. Place the light square in the lower-right corner.
  1. Arrange the pawns in the second rank.
  1. Arrange your rooks in the corners.
  1. Place your knights alongside the rooks.
  1. Bishops are listed after knights.
  1. The Queen puts on her color.
  1. Place your king in the final available square.
  1. Remember, white moves first!

How Many Pieces Does Chess Include? 

The checkered board in chess is divided into two sides, with each player placing their chess pieces on the squares closest to them. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces on their side, which include a King, a Queen, two Rooks, two Bishops, two Knights, and eight Pawns.

How Do Chess Pieces Move?

Each of the six various types of pieces moves in a unique way. They can be moved to take the place of a captured opponent’s piece. Pieces are often manoeuvred into places where they can capture other pieces (by landing on their square and then replacing them), defend their own pieces in the event of capture, or control key squares in the game.

How Does The King Move?

The king is the most crucial but also one of the weakest pieces. The king can only move one tile in each direction – up, down, sideways, or diagonally. The king may never be brought to heel (where he could be captured). When the king is attacked by another piece, this is referred to as a “check.”

How Does The Queen Move?

The queen may move any number of unoccupied squares in any direction — horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, giving her the greatest range of legal moves in the game, as long as she does not move through any of her own pieces. And, as with all pieces, capturing an opponent’s piece ends the queen’s turn.

How Does The Rook Move?

The Rook is another powerful piece that can go forwards and backwards in a straight line through any square on the board that isn’t occupied by another piece. The Rook must land directly on the square of the opponent player’s piece to capture it.

When the rooks are protecting and working together, they are extremely effective pieces.

How Does The Bishop Move?

The Bishop can only move in a diagonal direction. The Bishop may move 1-7 squares diagonally in any direction, but it can only capture one piece per turn and cannot jump over them. Because the Bishop goes diagonally, it can never move to a color other than the one it begins with.

How Does The Knight Move?

In comparison to other chess pieces, the knight moves in an unusual manner. Unlike other pieces, knights move in an “L-shape,” which means they can move two squares in any direction vertically followed by one square horizontally, or two squares in any direction horizontally followed by one square vertically.

How Does The Pawn Move?

Pawns are unique in that they move and capture in opposite directions: they move forward but capture diagonally. Pawns can only move one square forward at a time, except on their first move, when they can move two squares forward.

Pawns can only capture one diagonal square in front of them. They can never move or capture in reverse. If another piece is immediately in front of a pawn, he cannot advance past or capture it.

Is Chess Hard To Learn?

Chess is a relatively easy game to learn and play. You only need to know the basic rules, how the pieces move, how to checkmate, and a few special rules. However, reaching chess mastery is extremely hard. It requires a lot of time, investment, and dedication.

To estimate, we can say it takes 1-2 years of practicing to be able to build a good foundation and consider yourself an excellent chess player. Unlike physical sports, chess can be learned and mastered at any age.

Does Playing Chess Make You Smart?

Chess is an excellent way to pass the time and can improve brain function. Playing chess improves brain function, memory, cognitive abilities, strategic thinking, and attention.

It can also help to manage anxiety and other turbulent emotions, as well as enhance critical thinking skills. Chess improves the ability to think critically. Players are required to think fast and solve problems as they play.


Chess is a complex game which also provides mind stimulation. It has many benefits including cognitive functions, thinking skills, and memory. It has multiple pieces, and each piece moves differently. All other chess pieces can move backwards in some capacity except for the pawn. 

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