Are Movies Considered Art? A Simple Answer

The word art has been debated for a long time now, meaning many different things from time to time. For some, it’s the traditional painting on the wall, and for others, it could even be a bunch of metal scraps simply glued together. With there being so many definitions of art, one may wonder: Are movies considered art?

Art is said to be the expression of human creativity – and movies, in all their visual form and glory, tend to capture that quite well. So simply put? Yes, movies are a type of art.

Want to know more about why movies are considered art? Well, read on to find out!

The Various Art Forms Involved

Through carefully crafted scripts and well-chosen shots, film directors bring their vision and creativity to life. All the way from editing, acting, and background music to cinematography; the process of movies makes use of various art forms, which certainly pays off in the end.

Want to know how color theory is involved in film? Well, then check out the video below!


At its soul, art is about expression – one that evokes feeling and inspires us. Some art is expressed through the strokes of a brush, some through typed words on paper, and others through the medium of film. 

The Perception of Art

As we mentioned previously, art means different things to everyone. To quote a famous saying, “Art is in the eye of the beholder” – so as such, everyone will interpret it differently. For example, while parents may consider their children’s stick figure drawings as the greatest works of art, others may have their doubts. 

We don’t know about you, but we certainly say stick figures are art! (Especially for us with our less than skilled hands.)

Movies Tell Stories

Whether it be about heartache or the little joys in life, the objective of every artist is to portray a story with their art – a job that movies do wonderfully. What we see on screen connects and speaks to each of us on various personal levels. Once the ending credits roll in, it is these stories that we take home with us to remember in the future. 

An Art That Involves Many

While most art forms are a one-man show, this is not the case for movies. To create masterpieces (like Moonlight), a team of individuals is needed. From producers, screenwriters, and directors to costume designers – job opportunities are vast in the world of film.

You know what they say, teamwork makes the dream work!


Movies are just as much a form of entertainment as they are forms of art. If we can consider works of poetry art, then why not its visual representation, too? At the end of the day, everyone is allowed to express their imagination however they wish, and movies are just another way to do so. 

Now, the next time someone asks you whether movies are considered art, simply forward them this article! 

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