Are Fishing Weights Aquarium Safe?

Maybe you’ve recently watched Finding Nemo or are simply a sucker for wildlife when you decide to get yourself an aquarium. It sounds fun at first, but you soon realize you have a floating Atlantis! How will you get it to stay put? By using fishing weights, of course! However, you may think to yourself: Are fishing weights aquarium safe? After all, you don’t want your tiny new friends getting hurt. 

As long as fishing weights don’t have lead, they are harmless to your aquarium and can help you keep your water world firmly anchored.

Read on to find more about the various aquarium weights and why they’re necessary.

Is Using an Aquarium Weight Necessary?

The answer to this all comes down to your preference. While most people prefer having their aquarium plants and decor rooted firmly in place, some don’t mind a little buoyancy. Something about just floating and letting the water take you on its course sounds pretty relaxing, right?

Why Not Lead-based Weights?

Lead-based weights should be avoided since they are poisonous to wildlife. The lead from the weights can gradually leach out into the water, posing a serious threat to the fish. So, if you care for those little swimming fellows in your tank, then lead-based weights are a big no-no.

The Different Types of Aquarium Weights

Metal Weights

These weights are metal strips that you can wrap around the roots or stems of an aquarium plant to prevent it from floating away. While many of these contain lead, you can still find ones made with other metals, like zinc and magnesium.

Potted Aquarium Weights

Potted aquarium weights are aquarium plants set in plastic pots which usually contain a small rock and absorbent material, like rock wool. The downside? You may love the plant but hate the pot. It’s as they say: you win some, you lose some!

Ceramic Weights

Shaped like cylinders, these ceramic weights are perfectly safe for your fish. All you have to do is place your plant into it and voila! Your plant will easily sink to the aquarium’s surface without any bubbles getting in the way.

When All Else Fails, DIY Sails!

If nothing seems to float your boat, then why not DIY your own aquarium weight? You can tie a rock around your decor or even weave your plant through a plastic lid by making a hole through it. In DIY, the sky’s the limit!

Watch the video below to see how you can DIY your very own aquarium plant weight:


When deciding on what type of weight to use for your aquarium, just make sure that they don’t contain any material that could leak into the water and harm your fish. From metal weights to ceramic ones, there are plenty of safe options to keep your aquarium in place! Just remember, no matter what, when life (weights) gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming!

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