3 Unexpected Things Snakes Like To Do (Pets and Wild Snakes)

There are so many interesting things about snakes. They are diverse creatures, with over 3000 species. Not all snakes are venomous; out of all the present species, about 600 are believed to be venomous. Did you know 4 percent of all pet owners have snakes as pets? Would you consider keeping a pet snake? Before thinking about keeping a snake, you might wonder what snakes even like to do. 

When you provide a snake what it needs to survive,  food, water, places to hide and feel safe, a warm site to digest, and a cold spot to thermoregulate – it can undoubtedly enjoy itself. Some snakes enjoy mealtime more than others, flourish when exposed to different smells and enrichment opportunities, and will even sit and accept a chin rub from you.

Read the article to find out more fascinating things about snakes.

Is It Safe To Keep A Pet Snake

Snakes are sometimes misunderstood, yet they may make fantastic companion animals. Snakes, like any other pet, provide companionship and stress alleviation to their owners. Snakes don’t need to go for daily walks in the park, and they’re quiet both during the day and at night. A pet snake’s habitat is relatively simple to clean due to infrequent defecation.

There are numerous considerations to consider before deciding to purchase a snake. It is essential to research various pet snake breeds, as well as their life spans and health requirements.

Another factor to consider if you wish to own a snake is proper housing. An escape-proof aquarium is essential to prevent any harm to your snake. Owners need to recognize that no snake is safe without a lid that properly latches.

Interesting Facts About Snakes

Here are some intriguing facts about snakes! 

Snakes Can Survive For Months Without Eating

Snakes are masters of the waiting game. Because they are cold-blooded, they can decrease their resting energy use. 

This means they postpone digesting their critical protein stores, which are required for survival. Some species’ metabolism can be reduced by up to 72%. Some snakes can go for up to a year without eating.

They Do Not Have Eyelids

Snakes do not have eyelids instead, they have a pair of modified scales to protect their eyes called eye caps. Eye caps repel dust from their corneas and maintain moisture. This means snakes do not need to blink

Snakes Do Not Have External Ears But They Can Still Hear

Because snakes lack prominent ears, many people believe they are deaf.  Snakes lack external ears, although they do have bones on the inside of their skin that help them hear.  

They can hear very well because of their tiny bones. They can detect sound vibrations flowing through the ground as well as those moving through the air.

Snakes Do Have Bones And Skeletal Systems

Snakes, despite their flexibility, have bones. The torso of a snake is the longest part of its body, with ribs coupled to an extremely flexible spine. Snakes also hibernate in the winter. 

What Do Snakes Like To Do?

While snakes cannot play ball or cuddle on the couch, you can have some fun playing with them. Here are some things snakes can enjoy.


Allowing your snake to move between your fingers, hands, and arms is another fun to play with if it is comfortable being touched.  You must first acquire your snake’s trust (typically by feeding him multiple times) so that it recognizes and does not feel uncomfortable when you touch him.

At the start, only handle your snake for brief periods. A young snake may only be able to enjoy himself for a minute or two. Keep in mind that glide time should be done on a padded surface, such as a couch or your bed, so your snake is not injured if you accidentally drop it. 

Be sure to close all doors and windows before the game begins so your snake cannot escape. If a snake is free to walk around your home, it can take hours to get it back in its cage. When snakes are free, they may travel quite swiftly.

Even with older snakes, touching sessions should be kept to five minutes or fewer. Then simply allow your snake to hang around on your bed or couch.

Slithering Over You

A friendly snake may like curling up beneath your shirt or coat or balling up in your pocket. Snakes may want to wrap their arms or legs around yours or cuddle next to you on your bed.

Keep in mind that your snake isn’t just looking for affection. Your snake has cold blood, while you have warm blood and are a fantastic provider of heat. Longer contact is acceptable once your snake is comfortable with gliding time.

Getting The Right Toys

Snakes don’t have many toys, but they do appreciate having a lengthy object to wrap themselves around, such as a stick or branch. If your snake appears uneasy or strikes out at you during playtime, give it some space or return it to its cage.

You can also acquire a cork tunnel for your snake. It’s fun to see what your snake accomplishes with a small round of cork. And your snake will appreciate the natural wood fragrance from the cork.

Your snake will not be able to hide inside its cork circle. It may decide to bask on top of it or slither through it repeatedly to shed its skin, or simply for pleasure. You can also get an inverted rock cave in their tank, and artificial jungle vines as some snakes enjoy climbing and hanging on to trees. 


Snakes are solitary creatures and while they might not develop affection for you, they can eventually start to get comfortable with you as they start associating you with survival. Snakes will be calm and may not move much when they are happy. 

Make sure to keep looking at the signs or changes in behavior as it might indicate distress from your snake.

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