3 Reasons Why Fishing Line Color Matters

Fishing is a fun sport that ends with a reward if you manage to get it right. But when you are just beginning your journey as a fisher, there are several questions that need answering. People often overlook the little stuff, such as the color of the fishing line.

Turns out that the colour of your fishing line is definitely an important factor that determines the outcome of your fishing endeavour. For starters, some colours are more visible under water than others to the fisher themselves. Another reason is that certain colours are more visible to the aquatic life, while some colours may drive them away. 

The colour that best suits your fishing line is contingent on factors such as location and weather.

This is just a brief overview of the importance of fishing line colors; if you want to understand the science behind it, this article is for you.

How Does A Fishing Line Operate? 

The function of the line is to reel the fish in after it has been hooked. The fishing line connects the lure or bait to the rod and the reel. The line is cast into the water at varying distances and is used to catch the fish. It is critical in the fishing process. 

What Are Fishing Lines Made Of?

Most fishing lines are made of the polyester, Nylon. That is because nylon is durable, strong and water resistant. It has the strength to catch heavy fishes as well. Newer materials have now been introduced into the market and these include, Dacron, Spectra and Dyneema. These are generally used for braided fishing lines.

What Are The Different Types Of Fishing Lines?

There are three main types of fishing lines and each comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. 

  1. The Monofilament line: this is cheap and durable. It is also the most commonly used fishing line. It is also very stretchable and can be used to catch large fish.
  1. The Braided Line: they have recently become more common, and althought they are not as durable, they are highly sensitive and can help locate the fish better.
  1. The fluorocarbon line: they are very recent and extremely durable. They are also stretchable and invisible under water. The invisibility gives them an edge over the others.

How Does The Colour Of The Fishing Line Impact Fishing?

Now that you have an understanding of how fishing line works, it is important to note that their colour is just as important as the material when it comes to fishing. It must be noted that the color of the line and how visible it should be, depends on the fish and the water body you are fishing in.

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Some Colours Are More Visible To Aquatic Life

Fishes can see colour under water and some are more visible than others. Colours that are easier to disappear under water where the sunlight cannot reach are better for fishes that that scare easy. Colours disappear under water in the same order that they appear on the rainbow. 

Longer wavelengths absorb more light and so colors with longer wavelengths, such as blue, indigo, and purple, are the last to disappear underwater, while colors like red, orange, and yellow disappear more quickly in water. Certain fishes are not impacted by the visibility of the line but it’s generally better if the line is not visible to them so they are tricked into being attracted to the lure.

The Visibility Of The Line Is Important For The Angler

Brighter and more vivid colors have greater visibility outside water and they are easier for the angler to navigate. To be able to cast the line properly and keep track of it’s location, the angler must first be able to see it properly. This is easier with lines that have greater visibility outside water.

Some Colors Are More Attractive To Certain Fishes

Colours can sometimes be used to catch a fish’s attention and lure it into the trip. This does not apply to fishes that scare easily and is mostly true for larger fishes found in seawater. The colours that such fishes find most attractive is white or green. Using the colours to reel the fish in can increase the likelihood of catching it. 

More Facts About Fishing Line Colors

There are other conditions that determine how efficient and effective the colour of your line is to lure in certain fishes. This includes:

  1. The weather: cloudier and more windy weather means less sunlight being absorbed into the water, this also means it may be harder for lines to become invisible.
  1. The water body: There are different colors that work best in different types of water bodies. So for example; in salt water, the best fishing line colour to use is a clear line or a red colour. In yellower or murkier waters, the best option is to use is dark green. This is because the waters have different compositions from one another.
  1. The species of the fish: different colours work best for different species because all of them have varying traits and eyesights. Trout fishes are generally easier to catch with transparent lines but for catfishes red mono lines may be used.
  1. The time of the day: When it’s the daytime and the sun is out, the colour must be selected so that it is not spotted easily. At night these factors no longer matter as such.

The Bottom Line

Fishing is no easy business and alot of science is involved in the process. When setting out of a fishing trip, skill is not the only thing needed. You must also have the right gear and this includes little things such as the color of the fishing line. Although the colour is important in determining outcome, what the best option for you is also depends on variable factors. 

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