2 Ways To Measure RC Helicopter Blades

We are all very excited when we purchase our very first remote control helicopter. It’s a cool gadget to have, and it’s fun to use for recreational purposes. But sometimes, getting the hang of the gadget can be a little tricky. Learning as much as possible about it is essential to use it to its maximum potential. 

There are several appropriate ways to measure your remote control helicopter blades. Generally, it is advised to measure their length and weight because these factors contribute to the helicopter’s speed, stability, and performance efficiency. To measure the length of the helicopter blade, the blades are supposed to be measured from the root hole out to the farthest point where the chord is still complete – the little triangle at the end is not measured.

The main rotor diameter is the length from rotor tip to rotor tip. Manufacturers generally weigh the blades before installation. This the not the standard method; different manufacturers have different methods to measure the blades.

Keep reading ahead if you want to find out more!

Why Is It Important To Measure RC Helicopter Blades?

The blades are a crucial part of the RC helicopter’s structure. They provide the lift when they spin, and lift is the aerodynamic force that keeps the aircraft afloat. They essentially serve the same purpose as the wings of an airplane do. As a result of this, their size contributes to several other factors.

If you want to learn more ways to track the blades, watch this

The Size Of The Blade Determines The Speed

Smaller blades generally have a higher speed because there is less resistance to them, and they can cut through the air quicker; larger blades are much slower. So knowing what size blade your helicopter has can help you determine its speed and functionality.

The Carrying Capacity Is Impacted By Blade Size

The bigger the blades, the more carrying capacity your helicopter has. So if you want to make a purchase for this purpose, then it is best to buy helicopters with larger-sized blades.

The Blades Determine Stability 

The blades play a huge role in determining how stable and balanced the aircraft is. Measuring them is a way to ensure that the blades are manufactured accurately and have the right dimensions.

What Are The Most Common Ways To Measure The Blade

The measurement method you adopt depends on what you are trying to measure. 

The Weight is measured using a scale. This is done before installation and helps determine the strength of the helicopter.

There Is A Standard Way To Measure Blade Length

The length of the blade has to be measured from the hole to the tip; the little triangle, in the end, is excluded. If your aim is to measure just the diameter of the rotor, then you can measure from tip to tip. All measurements can be done using tape or a scale. 

You measure the length when checking the stability of the aircraft, and the diameter is measured to check the carrying capacity. 


Most manufacturers measure the blade in terms of its weight and length. It is not difficult to measure it, but it is vital because the rotor blade determines the capacity and efficiency of the aircraft. 

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